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New Year's Resolutions

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How are you doing with them ?


So far I have managed to :


Learn how to cook [well a few things at least]

Lose a little weight [healthier food + joined gym - induction today !]


I managed to get the job I applied for [resolved I would do my best in the interview... which I did...]


Can't remember the others that I made and cant find the thread on the forums to remind me of them :P

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I made a resolution to always tell the truth on new year 2000. I can lie quite convincingly and it got to the point where i didn't know who i was anymore, i'd lied so much to people.


I've still kept up the resolution (though it's the only one i've ever kept) and i'm pretty proud of it. I may not tell someone something if it might hurt them and i'll keep quiet perhaps a little morwe than i should sometimes but if people ask, i tell them the truth.


Has caused any problems yet...



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I gave up caffine for a month with a view to only having it when neccessary. So last night I had a can of energy drink and then someone bought me several vodka and cokes (i did ask for fresh orange but i thought it rude to complain). And boy was that a mistake - I haven't slept a wink.

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Originally posted by tinajones

I gave up caffine for a month with a view to only having it when neccessary. So last night I had a can of energy drink and then someone bought me several vodka and cokes (i did ask for fresh orange but i thought it rude to complain). And boy was that a mistake - I haven't slept a wink.


Would the 'energy drink' ... happen to be redbull !!!?


That stuff is deadly ... I had 4 in one night once ... and yeh it defo keeps u awake ... it also seemed to make my heart beat faster and blood pressure rise ...

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No, it was Red Devil. I also had a cup of tea at a party at about 5am which didn't help. (stupid drunkard!) Managed to talk an emmense amount of gob****e. and I thought it was only drugs that made people do that - proving that caffine is a nasty drug, and should be reclassified. To a class C drug?

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