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Muslim Rage-a different view?

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But having read much of this thread I would have expected several hundred of the moderate musims to have been shouting for him to be on the next plane.


Why? Would you expect to see hundreds of Christians shouting for David Copeland to be jailed?

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Those who bring issues like this up in order to stir trouble up are despicable. Those who deny there is a problem with some Muslims, or anyone else for that matter, in order to protect some PC rubbish or failing left wing tripe..are just as bad. Two wrongs don't make a right.

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..and there's the pot calling boyfriday 'black' :hihi:


Ps: some of us are retired, work shifts, are of independent means, posting whilst travelling (mobile technology's wonderful you know), taking a break from work...lots of reasons for being able to post during the day other than not being in employment.


Oh dear. That's even worse than I expected. I assumed folk were on their bosses time and just filling the time until they could go home. I hadn't realised folk spent their entire day on here because they had nothing better to do.

My excuse is that until my husband lears how to breast feed I'm leaving him to run the business. So I really don't have anything better to do at the moment.

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Those who bring issues like this up in order to stir trouble up are despicable. Those who deny there is a problem with some Muslims, or anyone else for that matter, in order to protect some PC rubbish or failing left wing tripe..are just as bad. Two wrongs don't make a right.


Drama queen. What exactly is it about the OP that you find 'despicable'?

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