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Muslim Rage-a different view?

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My excuse is that until my husband lears how to breast feed I'm leaving him to run the business. So I really don't have anything better to do at the moment.




...you must be the first man in the history of the world to have mastered the female skill of lactation and giving birth to live young!

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But having read much of this thread I would have expected several hundred of the moderate musims to have been shouting for him to be on the next plane.


How many Muslims do you think are regular readers and contributors to this forum? I can think of less than half a dozen.

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Those who bring issues like this up in order to stir trouble up are despicable. Those who deny there is a problem with some Muslims, or anyone else for that matter, in order to protect some PC rubbish or failing left wing tripe..are just as bad. Two wrongs don't make a right.


and two lies cannot make the truth.

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give it time bf :hihi:


Well ever since tab and catzeyes disappeared I can think of only 2 muslim posters..the rest have got better things to do on a Friday night..no not just make your takeout and get your sorry drunken ass safely home :hihi:

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