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Muslim Rage-a different view?

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If he isnt human, isnt a dog or a cat then what is he?

What do you (as someone religious) see him as?

What i mean is if he appeared to you and i assume thats the hope of every god follower, what do you think he would look like?

It does not have an identity, allah can not come to you like that

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It does not have an identity, allah can not come to you like that



You crack me up you really do.


well, none of us understand the Universe in its entirety, do we?

No, you're right we dont. I just cant imagine devoting my life to something or someone ill never see or even if i do see it or him i wont know because no one has ever seen itt or him.

I used to ask these same things when i was forced to go to church as a lad, i hated it cos the rev would never answer me straght so i thought sod it, its not for me.

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