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Muslim Rage-a different view?

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I have to say its a puzzle to me too.

Personaly i dont mind what they believe it just gets on my tits when im called a bigot or blinkered if i dont share in their fantasy.


You been falling asleep on the centrefold of Asian Babes again MrMoran? ;)

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Ok back on topic then


Gud gud.

You know it makes sense


Just so we all know.................................


Following the despicable scenes played out by some Muslims following the release of the anti Islamic film, I came across a couple of articles which put a slightly different spin on the post release reaction.


Whilst both appear to be Islam sponsored charm offensives, it certainly demonstrates the power of the media, and how views can be affected by the way an event is reported and whether they're reported in the first place.


The most compelling quote from the first link is point 6,


6. The pope visited Lebanon at the height of the tension, and Hezbollah leaders attended his sermon, refrained from protesting the film until he left, and called for religious tolerance. Yes, this happened.


The pope could have been forgiven for taking his bat home and not making the trip given the negative media, but I hope his visit encouraged Muslims, Jews, Christians and the wider world alike.






I wonder whether the anti Islamic protests in the west would have had the same venom if articles such as this had been more visible:




Incidentally, this thread does not seek to make excuses for Islamic extremists or those who protested violently against the film, they're a disgrace to their faith and humanity generally.

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