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Muslim Rage-a different view?

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The media don't have to try very hard to make the idiot Muslims or the idiot EDL look bad - they are well capable of doing it on their own.




They do try very hard it seems to avoid news that counters the theory that moderates don't speak out.

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Hang on Boyfriday, are you expecting a pat on the back for Hezbollah for not killing or attacking somebody who had nothing to do with the film, isn't from the country that the film originated in, doesn't represent a religion associated with the film and is, erm, famously a bit opposed to blasphemy. Why should they want to attack the pope because of that film, and why should be so marvellously impressed because they didn't?


That that navaaz report says things like 'Nobody was killed in these protests.......except for those who were killed'. They surveyed the news on one day and are proudly trumpeting that apart from the reported deaths there were no other reported deaths.


And 'All leaders have condemned the film, except for the ones who haven't'.


Not really an amazing source is it when you can see how it's trying to manipulate the facts quite easily.

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Hang on Boyfriday, are you expecting a pat on the back for Hezbollah for not killing or attacking somebody who had nothing to do with the film, isn't from the country that the film originated in, doesn't represent a religion associated with the film and is, erm, famously a bit opposed to blasphemy. Why should they want to attack the pope because of that film, and why should be so marvellously impressed because they didn't?



Yeah, I like the way we're supposed to respect them for behaving reasonably on the few occasions that they do!
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Not really an amazing source is it when you can see how it's trying to manipulate the facts quite easily.


That's really the point of the thread as in the title posing a question. I also said the links appear to be 'Islam sponsored charm offensives', I've no doubt it's just a spin put on the story just as the western media have, it's just a different spin, which might have had a different outcome in the west had it been given equal prominence.


The power of the media, it's just different sides of the same coin.

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That's really the point of the thread as in the title posing a question. I also said the links appear to be 'Islam sponsored charm offensives', I've no doubt it's just a spin put on the story just as the western media have, it's just a different spin, which might have had a different outcome in the west had it been given equal prominence.


The power of the media, it's just different sides of the same coin.


But what about expecting plaudits for people for not killing somebody? It's almost like you expect Muslims to kill people so much you're impressed when they don't.


Do you know what that makes you? RACIST!!!

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Following the despicable scenes played out by some Muslims following the release of the anti Islamic film, I came across a couple of articles which put a slightly different spin on the post release reaction.


Whilst both appear to be Islam sponsored charm offensives, it certainly demonstrates the power of the media, and how views can be affected by the way an event is reported and whether they're reported in the first place.


The most compelling quote from the first link is point 6,


6. The pope visited Lebanon at the height of the tension, and Hezbollah leaders attended his sermon, refrained from protesting the film until he left, and called for religious tolerance. Yes, this happened.


The pope could have been forgiven for taking his bat home and not making the trip given the negative media, but I hope his visit encouraged Muslims, Jews, Christians and the wider world alike.






I wonder whether the anti Islamic protests in the west would have had the same venom if articles such as this had been more visible:




Incidentally, this thread does not seek to make excuses for Islamic extremists or those who protested violently against the film, they're a disgrace to their faith and humanity generally.


I met a nice muslim the other day.

I didnt know he was a muslim, he helped me back my car into a parking space, told me he thought i had a lovely motor, had a little chat with me then told me where i could find a little prayer to say over it so nothing bad would happen to it.

A lovely genuinly decent fellow and a real pleasure to meet.

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