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Muslim Rage-a different view?

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Yes no 2 meaning everyone should be muslim


no, it means "Allah gives guidance to believers in Him", Drone.


It doesn't say "everyone should be Muslim":- in the surah Kafiroun, it says "To you be your Way, and to me mine." (To you be your religion, and to me mine.)

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no, it means "Allah gives guidance to believers in Him", Drone.


It doesn't say "everyone should be Muslim":- in the surah Kafiroun, it says "To you be your Way, and to me mine." (To you be your religion, and to me mine.)

It does in my opinion


Also take a look at the meaning of infidal

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Yes no 2 meaning everyone should be muslim


You're not familiar with the Christian maxim "believe or burn in hell"?


In fact it may well apply to Islam, Judaism and other religions, but don't believe that Islam is alone in fairly sensational sentiments.

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It's an history book anyway, it doesn't matter does it?


It matters to the people it matters to, it means something to me from a historical and cultural perspective but it isn't something you have to choose to live your life by.

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Jesus ('Isa) The son of Maryam (Mary) is honoured as a prophet of Islam, and who brought the Injīl or Gospel, BF...


And yes there is concept of the "al-Ruh al-Quds" or Spirit... there are two senses:-


The Spirit of Allah is used in the Quran in the sense of:


1 - Allah Almighty uses it to blow into our mothers' wombs our human-spirits(souls).




2- It is used to provide Divine Guidance to the Believers, those whom Allah Almighty Loves and Favours.


Thanks for that PT, learnt something new today.

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