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Muslim Rage-a different view?

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1) Yes the pornography law applies to photographs, cartoons and "pseudo photographs"..


2) Was the teddy under-age, and depicted in a pornographic image? If not, then it's of no relevance to the Pornography laws..

But you do agree that those imams were wrong to produce the porno cartoons and peddle them around as though they were part of the orginal publications? Even though they probably don't actually have any laws againt porn in their countries? Also the ones that burn pages of the koran and pretended it was done by others? Should they be rioted against and killed?


Does your own mosque let these people abroad know that you don't agree with their underhand methods of stirring up trouble? Or just go along with the mantra of 'if Mohammed was your great, great, great x 100 times great granddad wouldn't you be upset by it"? What normal person would? Who thinks this stuff up? Crazy talk.

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Could you point out what it is you believe I'm 'defending'?


In cases of extremism have you never wondered what the common demoninator is?


It's the man, in mankind.


It don't matter what colour, religion he is or indeed what football team he supports-he wants to dominate and subjugate others..that was my point.


Muslim extremists are no better (or worse) than any other group of people who believe through their affiliation that they're superior to someone else.


So rather than say I'm defending anything why not look at the bigger picture and ask yourself why Muslims should be singled out for special treatment..if you want to do Christian extremists, I'll bore you to death about the Westboro Baptists, or the likes of David Copeland or those who murder doctors who work in abortion clinics..no better, or worse.


You are obviously a clever man B.F. However, your constant defending of radical Islam is misguided.

Let me repeat this for the last time. This is not the 7th century, its 2012. Times move on. Unfortunately, the Islamic world is not moving with the times.

Unless it does so modern countries such as the UK, USA, Australia, Canada etc will start cracking down on radical Islamists. Then there will be cries of persucution.

If Muslims want to live in the modern world, my advice is to adapt !

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But you do agree that those imams were wrong to produce the porno cartoons and peddle them around as though they were part of the orginal publications? Even though they probably don't actually have any laws againt porn in their countries? Also the ones that burn pages of the koran and pretended it was done by others? Should they be rioted against and killed?


Does your own mosque let these people abroad know that you don't agree with their underhand methods of stirring up trouble? Or just go along with the mantra of 'if Mohammed was your great, great, great x 100 times great granddad wouldn't you be upset by it"? What normal person would? Who thinks this stuff up? Crazy talk.


Popcorn time:hihi:

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Of course not, but you know what? Should someone's life be threatened because they're a different colour, religion, sex, sexuality? I've even seen grown men threaten the lives of other men because they support a different football team...all in the 'Western world'!

The trouble with that argument is usually when someone in the western world says you're dead or similar they tend not to mean it,can you say the same when a Imman somewhere orders the death of someone for daring to name a teddy bear Mohammed.Perhaps you can also explain why they find it offensive to name a inaminate object which can do nothing to hurt the name Mohammed ,yet its ok to name a child after the prophet and said child could ,by their actions,make the name reprehensible.

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You are obviously a clever man B.F. However, your constant defending of radical Islam is misguided.
Ok, let's choke that one off, I've no interest in Islam and even less so 'radical Islam', if you'd taken the time to read the OP, I already volunteered that opinion. But you're missing the point of the thread and appear to be demonising all Muslims, not just the radical ones.

Let me repeat this for the last time. This is not the 7th century, its 2012. Times move on.

..and let me repeat this for the last time..I quoted several examples of the Western world not exactly having its house in order either, that doesn't constitute a 'defence' of Islam, radical or otherwise, just fair play.

Unfortunately, the Islamic world is not moving with the times.

I ain't ever met a Muslim (or Christian, or Jew) who wants to kill or behead me (quite the opposite in fact), although I'm sure in some parts of the world, even in this country such people do exist, but until I encounter them I'll not be getting over aerated about the possibility.

Unless it does so modern countries such as the UK, USA, Australia, Canada etc will start cracking down on radical Islamists. Then there will be cries of persucution.

If Muslims want to live in the modern world, my advice is to adapt !


You see what you did there? You lumped Muslims in with 'radical Muslims' it's a clever trick and the reason I challenged you earlier. Radical Muslims are being cracked down on, one had his arse kicked out of the country only this week and the others are watched with a beady eye by the security services.

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The trouble with that argument is usually when someone in the western world says you're dead or similar they tend not to mean it,can you say the same when a Imman somewhere orders the death of someone for daring to name a teddy bear Mohammed.Perhaps you can also explain why they find it offensive to name a inaminate object which can do nothing to hurt the name Mohammed ,yet its ok to name a child after the prophet and said child could ,by their actions,make the name reprehensible.


Ergo, I think after many pages we're finally getting back to the purpose of the thread.


Ive no idea why someone would be offended by what a Teddy's called, anymore than I know why certain other religious groups make lary proclamations. Whether it was a common offence held by all Muslims or it was just a noisy few (who the media chose to report and create headlines out of), I've no idea either.

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