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Muslim Rage-a different view?

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But what about expecting plaudits for people for not killing somebody? It's almost like you expect Muslims to kill people so much you're impressed when they don't.


Do you know what that makes you? RACIST!!!


Give over, you can only be a racialist if you are white. :hihi:

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But what about expecting plaudits for people for not killing somebody? It's almost like you expect Muslims to kill people so much you're impressed when they don't.
I've no expectations of you, Muslims or anyone else and I don't know how you could determine that from this thread, perhaps you need to read the OP fully.


Do you know what that makes you? RACIST!!!


If you're familiar with my posts here, you'll know that's something I've never denied, however not for the reasons you prescribe.

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I've no expectations of you, Muslims or anyone else and I don't know how you could determine that from this thread, perhaps you need to read the OP fully.


Yes I did. It seems to be saying wasn't it wonderful some Muslims didn't attack the Pope. I don't understand why you think not attacking somebody is worthy of such celebration?????


It's normal not to kill people.

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Thisl sink without trace lol, positive islamic stories always do


The fact that you have to go out of your way to post positive stories about Islam whilst demonising a local church for nothing more than stopping an exercise class, acting as a sort of unofficial PR person for Islam trying to give it some sort of credability whilst simultaneously doing down a religion like Christianity for even the slightest inconsequential perceived negative, is itself indicative of the overwhelming negatives wreaked upon the planet by the religion of Islam. :)

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The most compelling quote from the first link is point 6,


6. The pope visited Lebanon at the height of the tension, and Hezbollah leaders attended his sermon, refrained from protesting the film until he left, and called for religious tolerance. Yes, this happened.


The pope could have been forgiven for taking his bat home and not making the trip given the negative media, but I hope his visit encouraged Muslims, Jews, Christians and the wider world alike.





I'm not sure why after weeks of violent incidents all across the Islamic world this one event at which a proscribed terror organisation (Hezbollah) managed to not kill somebody for a change, is meant to somehow undo all that and give us a fuzzy wuzzy warm cuddy feeling about Islam in the world?

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Good point Mr Prime, when I saw pictures of Muslim rioters wrecking the local KFC, it reminded me of the scenes of English football hooligans during the WC in France in 98. I'm sure in the cold light of day they don't know why they did it, but the bell rang, their knees jerked and the feeding frenzy began.




It will be a greater day when humanity wakes up and realises we're all equal under our different skins..you would have thought "God" might have had an interest in ensuring that equality from outset ;)


I'm not sure whether you're being sarcastic etc. However, for the record, white dimwitted thugs who go on the rampage deserve to be shot. I have no bias. Scum are scum, I hope I made that clear by saying the Muslim nutters are their equivalent of...

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I'm not sure why after weeks of violent incidents all across the Islamic world this one event at which a proscribed terror organisation (Hezbollah) managed to not kill somebody for a change, is meant to somehow undo all that and give us a fuzzy wuzzy warm cuddy feeling about Islam in the world?


That would be funny..if it wasn't so true. There's more spin on this thread than a spinning top factory with a big order...

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