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Muslim Rage-a different view?

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Ok, let's choke that one off, I've no interest in Islam and even less so 'radical Islam', if you'd taken the time to read the OP, I already volunteered that opinion. But you're missing the point of the thread and appear to be demonising all Muslims, not just the radical ones.

..and let me repeat this for the last time..I quoted several examples of the Western world not exactly having its house in order either, that doesn't constitute a 'defence' of Islam, radical or otherwise, just fair play.

I ain't ever met a Muslim (or Christian, or Jew) who wants to kill or behead me (quite the opposite in fact), although I'm sure in some parts of the world, even in this country such people do exist, but until I encounter them I'll not be getting over aerated about the possibility.



You see what you did there? You lumped Muslims in with 'radical Muslims' it's a clever trick and the reason I challenged you earlier. Radical Muslims are being cracked down on, one had his arse kicked out of the country only this week and the others are watched with a beady eye by the security services.


My final word B.F.

''cartoons'' ''teddy bears'' says it all really. It'll be 2013 in a few month for heavens sake !

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Having seen some of the so-called "cartoons", which prompted the riots a couple of years ago, with their pornographic nature, and having seen for myself the obscenities contained in some of them, I can actually understand why some people were grossly offended by them.


There is a right to freedom of speech/ freedom of opinion, sure, but I do think that many of those so-called "cartoons" took that far, far beyond the pale, and were deliberately intended to provoke extreme reactions from even the mildest of people.


In that case I would guess that the cartoons you saw were the ones that were mocked up pretending to be the Mohammed cartoons from the Jyllands Posten when they were nothing of the sort. A lot of much more extreme images were mocked up after the fact but the Jyllands Posten images were relatively mild.


Ditto the recent 'Innocence of Muslims' film. Half the films posted on YouTube were actually soft pornos of the Arabian nights type which were claiming to be the innocence of muslims depicting Mohammed when they were nothing of the sort.

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So it's "Freedom of speech" to show illegal pornography, now? It wasn't the last tlime I looked!


It is freedom of speech to point out that a so called prophet of god had a sexual relationship with a child, and personally killed people and led an army of mass murdering rapist slave trading plunderers. The fact that followers of this so called religion of peace, kill burn and pillage if this is pointed out, tells me and millions of others all we need to know about this cult of death. Wako springs to mind.


Violence or the threat of it follows islam like a shadow, why is that?


To me its because its followers, follow the example of its founder.

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It is freedom of speech to point out that a so called prophet of god had a sexual relationship with a child, and personally killed people and led an army of mass murdering rapist slave trading plunderers. The fact that followers of this so called religion of peace, kill burn and pillage if this is pointed out, tells me and millions of others all we need to know about this cult of death. Wako springs to mind.


Violence or the threat of it follows islam like a shadow, why is that?


To me its because its followers, follow the example of its founder.


you are just regurgitating propaganda, if you look properly at this so called relationship with a child, you will see that there is a lot of evidence to sow that that she was actually of age.


As for the crap you are spouting about war, would you say that the people of the UK were a warmongering people because they went to war twice in the first half of the last century against Germany? Or would you try to fire up the old grey matter and look at the circumstances?

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you are just regurgitating propaganda, if you look properly at this so called relationship with a child, you will see that there is a lot of evidence to sow that that she was actually of age.


As for the crap you are spouting about war, would you say that the people of the UK were a warmongering people because they went to war twice in the first half of the last century against Germany? Or would you try to fire up the old grey matter and look at the circumstances?



Love it!

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