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Muslim Rage-a different view?

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What am I looking at?


I've read the Quran and many of the Hadith/Sunnah.


I'm not sure how putting a contents page of Islamic texts justifies your assertions, or answers what I asked you to present.


*que frantically looking for a random verse, taken wildly out of context from the Quran to justify baseless point of view*

Edited by PaliRichard
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what am i looking at?


I've read the quran and many of the hadith/sunnah.


I'm not sure how putting a contents page of islamic texts justifies your assertions, or answers what i asked you to present.


*que frantically looking for a random verse, taken wildly out of context from the quran to justify baseless point of view*


I doubt I can provide any information you will accept. Ask yourself this, would you rather live next door to the guy who wants to marry your 6 year old daughter, or the guy who is a chippy and would turn the other cheek if you did not pay the bill?





Muhammad made slaves out of the people he raided and fought against. Most notable were the women and children survivors of Muhammad's massacre of the 800 males (young teens and up) of the Jewish Banu Quraydhah, Sura 33:26. The Sirat Rasulallah - the earliest biography of Muhammad, gives much more detail on pages 461 and on. Shortly after massacring the Jewish males Ibn Ishaq wrote on page 466:


"Then the apostle divided the property, wives, and children of the Banu Qurayza among the Muslims, and he made known on that day the shares of horse and men, and took out the fifth", (Muhammad and his family got one fifth of all the spoils of war). . . Then the apostle sent Sa'd . . . with some of the captive women of Banu Qurayza to Najd and he sold them for horses and weapons."




Bukhari also documents Muhammad owning many slaves - vol. 5, # 541 & vol. 7, # 344. Muhammad had *****, Arab, Egyptian, male, female, Jewish, Christian, and pagan Arab slaves.

Edited by gotone
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Ask yourself this, would you rather live next door to the guy who wants to marry your 6 year old daughter, or the guy who is a chippy and would turn the other cheek if you did not pay the bill?

If that question was loaded anymore, it'd take 15 people to unsettle it on a see-saw.

Muhammad made slaves out of the people he raided and fought against.

Like it teaches in the bible?

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Yes I get that alot too.


Like you, I'm not defending Islam, just putting forward an alternative viewpoint to the often very one sided ideas we get presented with day in and day out by people who's idea of Islam is regurgitating a small number of misrepresented nutters on the news and in the press.


I'm not a Muslim, there are many aspects of Islam I don't agree with, but everything I disagree with comes from Islam, not some third party with an axe to grind against it or an agenda to push from 'within' it.


Halleluyah Brother Richard!


I agree with all of that. Before I joined this forum I'd no real interest in Islam but the often xenophobic subject matter of the threads that engaged my attention demanded a response.


My contributions are regularly denounced as defending Islam when in reality I know bugger all about it, don't believe in it and what little I've learnt has been in order to address some of the more controversial posts that are made here..I now know quite a bit about halal meat because of the good old forum!


Islam was even attacked on this thread before posters engaged their brains to consider whether what I was saying in the OP was true.


The fact remains that our narrow view of Islam is largely shaped by the media who are seeking headlines and sadly some Muslims are only too happy to deliver them in the most sensational of ways, but frankly I don't believe that should have any bearing on how I feel about Islam generally, or more importantly the Muslims I know. The calls last week from people demanding moderate Muslims denounce the violent reaction to the anti Islamic film was particularly hysterical.


I mentioned the Westboro Baptists previously and speculated on the Eastern view of Christians if their exploits were widely publicised by Al-Jazeera, for some reason that post was deleted. But it doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out that the WB aren't indicative of Christianity as a whole.

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Did Jesus teach it? Do it? Nope.


..excellent, all you're demonstrating is the hypocrisy endemic in all religions, since the observants of all are unable to adhere to even the basic principles. To answer your question- there are people (usually men) who claim to be religious who believe it's acceptable to interfere sexually with children.

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I doubt I can provide any information you will accept[/Quote]


That's because there isn't any, and that's because the things you attribute to Islam are not from Islam.


Ask yourself this, would you rather live next door to the guy who wants to marry your 6 year old daughter, or the guy who is a chippy and would turn the other cheek if you did not pay the bill?[/Quote]


I don't know any Muslims, not one (and believe me I know a few - the best man at my wedding was one) who would want to marry my six year old daughter.


Then again I wouldn't want to live next door to someone who would turn the other cheek if I did something wrong, I would want someone who would either put to me in a tolerant manner, or take appropriate steps within the law to address, that I had done something wrong - exactly what Islam teaches it's followers to do.




I know every counter and pro Islamic argument going, and both sides are usually way wide of the mark when it comes to what's actually tught in the Quran.


Muhammad made slaves out of the people he raided and fought against. Most notable were the women and children survivors of Muhammad's massacre of the 800 males (young teens and up) of the Jewish Banu Quraydhah, Sura 33:26. The Sirat Rasulallah - the earliest biography of Muhammad, gives much more detail on pages 461 and on. Shortly after massacring the Jewish males Ibn Ishaq wrote on page 466:


"Then the apostle divided the property, wives, and children of the Banu Qurayza among the Muslims, and he made known on that day the shares of horse and men, and took out the fifth", (Muhammad and his family got one fifth of all the spoils of war). . . Then the apostle sent Sa'd . . . with some of the captive women of Banu Qurayza to Najd and he sold them for horses and weapons."




Bukhari also documents Muhammad owning many slaves - vol. 5, # 541 & vol. 7, # 344. Muhammad had *****, Arab, Egyptian, male, female, Jewish, Christian, and pagan Arab slaves.


Like I said. context and relation to the Quran - you seem devoid of providing either.

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