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Muslim Rage-a different view?

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And his actions? Are they out of context?


Not usually, when they are it is reported as being so, like (from the Muslim perpective) the devil is supposed to have spoken to him and he mistook it for revelation until the angel Gabriel corrected him. Or he made decisions in battle that were considered wrong and his companions overruled him.


But generally speaking his actions are considered in line with Islam.

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Not all hadiths are sound hadiths, Some are stronger than others. The Hadith that states her age is not backed up by others, it's narrated by only one person. Most other ahadith are corroborated by other companions. Also you forget that birth certificates did not exist in those times, so ages were not absolutely bang-on.


Look at these points:-


1) Aisha was among the 12 Male and 12 Female Muslims to migrate to Ethiopia. She was identified as one of the 12 females and not an infant/ child though according to the sources (if she were born in 612) she would have been only 3 years old.


2) Aisha recalled that she remembers how the Prophet used to visit her father on a daily bases, after the revelation and before the Hijra (migration) to Madina. She also recalled the migration to Ethiopia. Either she had a 3 year old’s über-memory or a big miscalculation has occurred.


32) Aisha’s sister, Asma, is 10 years her senior. Asma was 14 old during the revelation (in 610). Accordingly, Aisha would be 4 years old in 610 and thus born 606, while Asma born in 596. (This makes Aisha about 9 years old when she went to Ethiopia and 16 when the marriage was consummated)

Have you got the source for these claims please I would like to delve further into the matter,it seems strange that Hadiths seem to picked out willy nilly when suited and ignored when not,it seems akin to Matthew telling Mark,Luke and John their version of the new testament is incorrect unless they agree with him.

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Have you got the source for these claims please I would like to delve further into the matter,it seems strange that Hadiths seem to picked out willy nilly when suited and ignored when not,it seems akin to Matthew telling Mark,Luke and John their version of the new testament is incorrect unless they agree with him.


What was the age of consent in other countries around that time?

Do you think it was 16 in the UK like it is now?

I know where you are heading with this line of questioning, give it up as it has been done to death on here many times. :roll:

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Whats it matter about consent?

People made Dynastic Marriages not to get thier leg over..... as in Ill marrry you to my daughter so our empires get on....



Ther is enough to knock Mohameddans for without inventing stuff....


They also invented (or re-discovered) Science and a dort of idea of natural philoposphy...


Al Azhar University? hardly the home of the accursed terrorists :D

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