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Muslim Rage-a different view?

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]A child is a child immaterial of what the law says is the age of consent[/b] but thats bye the bye ' date='you say you know where Im heading ,by your first statement it seems not Im at this moment not really interested in who was how old Im more interested in statements which seem to vary from time to time to suit, Matthew ,Mark,Luke and John all disciples of a prophet/son of god whichever you believe wrote about the life of their prophet/leader all 4 gospels seem to have a common foundation ,what I am being led to believe is this is not the case in Islam writing and its followers should only believe what is appropriate at the time that seems a trifle erroneous and unreliable wouldnt you say in said cases just who or what is to be believed ?[/quote']


and the fact that the age of consent in the UK was not raised to 16 until 1885 is utterly irrelevant?

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Hello PT, how are you?


I would like to know if your interested of carrying the debate on, if you are interested to continue then we can discuss mohammad more indetail


You can start at when mohammad realised he was a prophet at the age of 40 if you want..


Thank you


Ps. And I would also like to discuss the Tahrif as well please if you know anything about it, thank you


I don't have original copies of the Gospels and the Torah to hand but on the subject of Tahrif, Jeremiah 8:8 said


How can you say, "We are wise,

for we have the law of the LORD",

when actually the lying pen of the scribes

has handled it falsely?

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and the fact that the age of consent in the UK was not raised to 16 until 1885 is utterly irrelevant?

Of course its irrelevant,at least as far as my point is concerned' as I said a child is a child Im not excusing what happened to children in this country in the past but I think you will find that the lower age of 8 or 9 was still a no no as far as sexual activity was concerned.As I said in my previous post my concern about the age is not my main view here im waiting for your reply and links what I asked for so I can address the "choice" of scriptures seemingly to suit

Edited by Glamrocker
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Your being used PT, your muslim leaders know it's aload of bull


Drone, why do you insist on becoming all friendly with posters, asking them about their religion and then insisting they are being lied too by their religious leaders? You did it with me the other day and now you're doing it with PT. It is possible to have a conversation about a faith you don't accept without drawing the conclusion that the adherents aren't being deceived.


As far as I can see no faith has the monopoly on truth, it is down to the individual to decide which faith, if any, is right for them. And while questioning is fine (I would say even necessary) informing them that they are wrong, or being deceived, while you are correct without giving any form of evidence for that assertion is a bit naughty.

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