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Muslim Rage-a different view?

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Indeed. The first 3 suras tell me that I'm to be punished and severely chastised for my lack of belief. ;)


That's a great start to any book.[/Quote]


They do indeed, and it's something I don't personally believe, but what it does tell us is that God will punish us in the hereafter, clearly and repeatedly, it doesn't tell us that we should punish our fellow man Allah'a name in this life...and that's the kind of thing I'm talking about when I say people change it to suit there own agenda.


May I ask why?


You can but the answer may be one I can only give anecdotal evidence for.


I have personally encountered the transformation that practicing my religion can provide - I have also witnessed that transformation in those who practice Islam, it is my belief that when practiced Islam can change people's lives for the better. That doesn't mean it has the monopoly on doing so, neither does it mean that because of that I accept it as some ultimate 'truth' - but I have seen people embrace it and it benefit their lives, and, as a consequence - benefit the lives of those they interact with.


Alternatively when I have seen people doing terrible things in the 'name' of Islam it as almost always been because they have been changing it to justify their personal philosophy - for example even the things it disagrees with, like the above mentioned punishment for people for various 'crimes' against Islam, it never tells people to commit that punishment in Allah's name, it says he will do so in the hereafter - yet people try to justify themselves commiting that punishment in this life by adding to the text or taking it out of context.

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I have supplied evidence, i rendered budda guilty and you still believe him, didn't you learn anything from mine and your debate on budda, his teachings are flawed, you said you get nowt out of here so why bother


No you didn't, you told me Buddha was lying and put your own interpretation on things I was telling you the Buddha taught - like saying it is 'passive', and despite my telling you that you had misunderstood and providing examples you merely, figuratively speaking, folded your arms and said 'I don't believe you'.


That is not providing evidence, it is disagreeing, to provide evidence you need to give real examples of specific teachings and tell me why they are wrong - using at the very least well constructed philosophical arguments - at the very least.


All you have done is tell me I'm wrong.

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You accused me of causing an argument and then you went to bed


I'm sorry richard, you lost that debate fair and square


Budda offers nothing but hard work, that's it


I told you I wasn't arguing with you any more because you did what you always do, gave your opinion without any evidence and merely told me I was wrong.


That is not a debate.


You need to see harley mate, he's already in gym as we speak[/Quote]


I have absolutely no idea what that means :(

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I told you I wasn't arguing with you any more because you did what you always do, gave your opinion without any evidence and merely told me I was wrong.


That is not a debate.




I have absolutely no idea what that means :(


I gave you evidence that he was lieing, it's just that you wouldn't accept it


How about you show me evidence that he's telling the truth


Though what I will say, with what he was offering, i wouldn't even bother


Debate is what we're doing now, well what I'm doing, your arguing

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what it does tell us is that God will punish us in the hereafter, clearly and repeatedly

He sounds full of love. :)


it doesn't tell us that we should punish our fellow man Allah'a name in this life

It does. There are numerous references to war and fighting and killing. Of course, it's not "literally war and fighting and killing. It's a metaphor. Anyone who does war and fight and kill is ignoring the other bits that say don't war and fight and kill".


All religion is man-made, and is equally as messy and imperfect as the next one. The only way to live is to bend and contextualise and ignore the bits that they don't agree with.


I have also witnessed that transformation in those who practice Islam, it is my belief that when practiced Islam can change people's lives for the better.

I could build an equal defence of Slimming World using that line of thought. ;)

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It's only pauls christianity that doesn't lie, all the rest are lying to ya


Ya got jews ( america ) thinking their some sort of police, going round causing trouble, trying to rile muslims up and they even deliberately caused the recession


Country's in Europe are going to fall because of them, what will happen then, civil war?


Will al qaeda also take advantage of that and force their presidents out and control them, ya should feel fortunate were on an island

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