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Muslim Rage-a different view?

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I gave you evidence that he was lieing, it's just that you wouldn't accept it


How about you show me evidence that he's telling the truth


Though what I will say, with what he was offering, i wouldn't even bother


Debate is what we're doing now, well what I'm doing, your arguing




I answered all of your questions the other day with examples, I gave you plenty of 'evidence' for you to chew over.


You drew the conclusion that Buddhism was hard work, and I assume consequently, not for you. That's fair enough, as I said then and repeat now, I'm not selling anything, you may agree or disagree, that is your right.


What you categorically didn't do was give me 'evidence' he was lying, you merely disagreed with me and formed the conclusion I was being lied to.


What does Harley and the gym reference mean please?


And why do you consider the need to tell people the truth?


You seem very quick to tell people they are wrong because you have decided they are and very slow in answering questions put to you.

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I answered all of your questions the other day with examples, I gave you plenty of 'evidence' for you to chew over.


You drew the conclusion that Buddhism was hard work, and I assume consequently, not for you. That's fair enough, as I said then and repeat now, I'm not selling anything, you may agree or disagree, that is your right.


What you categorically didn't do was give me 'evidence' he was lying, you merely disagreed with me and formed the conclusion I was being lied to.


What does Harley and the gym reference mean please?


And why do you consider the need to tell people the truth?


You seem very quick to tell people they are wrong because you have decided they are and very slow in answering questions put to you.


Well let's go through budda again then


I came to the conclusion budda was lying because he were


He says you can go on other people's teachings as long as they involve his


Now the reason why you didn't win the debate with me was because you was being lied to


I gave you evidence and you didn't accept it


Why don't ya try another religion instead because ya wasting your time with budda, his teachings are pointless, you even showed it


And now your telling me mohammad was a great guy, come off it, he was trolling

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He sounds full of love. :)[/Quote]


I never suggested he was.


It does. There are numerous references to war and fighting and killing. Of course, it's not "literally war and fighting and killing. It's a metaphor. Anyone who does war and fight and kill is ignoring the other bits that say don't war and fight and kill".[/Quote]


It's not metaphor, and I never implied it was. There are contexts surrounding the 'war' parts that give instructions on how to behave during battle. These are quite different to merely deciding someone is wrong in the name of God so they will be punished in the name of God.


All religion is man-made, and is equally as messy and imperfect as the next one. The only way to live is to bend and contextualise and ignore the bits that they don't agree with[/Quote]


I don't disagree with religion being man made, and I also agree that people bend and twist them to suit there own needs, but that's not the only way to live by them, there are many, many people who don't bend and contextualise and ignore the bits they don't agree with, you just tend not to hear about them on the ten o clock news.


I could build an equal defence of Slimming World using that line of thought. ;)


Like I said, religion doesn't have a monopoly on giving people a platform to change their lives, I was just answering your question.

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Well let's go through budda again then


I came to the conclusion budda was lying because he were[/Quote]


Stone me for missing that ispired bit of evidence.


He says you can go on other people's teachings as long as they involve his[/Quote]


No he didn't, and I explained this to you, you merely disagreed with my explanation and said I was being lied to.


Now the reason why you didn't win the debate with me was because you was being lied to[/Quote]


I wasn't trying to 'win' anything.


I gave you evidence and you didn't accept it[/Quote]


You told me I was being lied to, that's not evidence.


Why don't ya try another religion instead because ya wasting your time with budda, his teachings are pointless, you even showed it[/Quote]


Let's see, maybe Christianity, but not recognised Christianity because they are lying to us........I don't suppose you know any I could try do you?


And now your telling me mohammad was a great guy, come off it, he was trolling


I don't recall ever saying Mohammad was a great guy, I said I respect Islam and most of what people level against it is unfounded.

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There are contexts surrounding the 'war' parts that give instructions on how to behave during battle.

The one advantage that I will give to Islam, which one doesn't find in the other two Abrahamic religions. It didn't teach a passive morality and then have to change and contextualise it afterwards. No "turning the other cheek" nonsense, or the Christian "thou shall not kill (unless you're a soldier)" point that I've mentioned before.


Islam recognises that people do make war.

there are many, many people who don't bend and contextualise and ignore the bits they don't agree with

They must do, if they follow a holy book that contradicts itself. They have to ignore certain parts.

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The one advantage that I will give to Islam, which one doesn't find in the other two Abrahamic religions. It didn't teach a passive morality and then have to change and contextualise it afterwards. No "turning the other cheek" nonsense, or the Christian "thou shall not kill (unless you're a soldier)" point that I've mentioned before.


Islam recognises that people do make war.[/Quote]


I don't know about the other Abrahamic religions, but it's certainly not the only religion that recognises this, Hinduism, Taoism and Buddhism all recognise war as part of life, but as far as I know Islam is the only one that sets out rules of conduct for behaviour during war.


They must do, if they follow a holy book that contradicts itself. They have to ignore certain parts.


I'm not sure all holy books do contradict themselves, I've certainly found no contextual contradictions in the Hindu, Buddhist or Taoist scriptures, I think that's maybe a fallacy based on our understanding of the Bible, which certainly does contain contradictions.


Strike that, there is a passage in the Quran which abrigates a different passage, I'd have to check my notes to find it though, but I'm not entirely sure of the context so I'd have to look it up, I'll try to get back to you later with that one.

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