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Muslim Rage-a different view?

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Well I have said what I have said and if you don't believe that then ya ain't believe anything else[/Quote]


I'm quite willing to believe it if you provide categorical evidence, even attempting some evidence would be nice.


I will repeat though, merely saying I am being lied to 'because I am' is not evidence.


I'll tell ya what though, budda was a clever guy or your just an idiot


I'm sure both those statements contain elements of truth :hihi:

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Budda says if you follow his teachings then you will receive erm what was it nabbina?


How do you know if you follow his teachings you will get is it nabbina?


Apparently budda said he went there right?




I'm a little lost as to how that's a contradiction.


That's a question.

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I'm not sure all holy books do contradict themselves, I've certainly found no contextual contradictions in the Hindu, Buddhist or Taoist scriptures

Eastern religions, and especially polytheistic religions, tend to be a lot looser in their scripture. They take it from different sources and different teachers, and not one "solid book provided to us by God". In religious terms it's not hard to argue that polytheism is much more tolerant.


As for Buddhism, that's seperate, and my knowledge is much smaller than yours. :)


Strike that, there is a passage in the Quran which abrigates a different passage, I'd have to check my notes to find it though

There are all sorts of contradictions. There is a ruling that if a sura was written earlier and has been contradicted, it can be ignored for the later statement.


Yet the Quran is not organised in a chronological order, so it takes understanding to work out which bit is considered "true" and which bit should be ignored. Still we're told it's the perfect work of God.


Then we have to understand that Muhammed had access to the two other holy books, and openly copied from them. If the Bible is full of contradictions I see no reason why the Quran suddenly starts to form itself into something sensible in 700AD, in a language that wasn't uniform and took another 200 years to form, mixed with the political implications of their empire.

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Well how do you know he went there?


I don't, that's why religions contain 'faith'.


All I can say is that I have practiced what he taught and that practice has already given some of the fruits he taught would be the result of the practice. This increases faith that other things he said are true too.


It still doesn't make it a contradiction, you put forward the proposition that it was 'full' of contradictions and when challenged to present them merely asked a question that wasn't based on a contradiction.

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I don't, that's why religions contain 'faith'.


All I can say is that I have practiced what he taught and that practice has already given some of the fruits he taught would be the result of the practice. This increases faith that other things he said are true too.


It still doesn't make it a contradiction, you put forward the proposition that it was 'full' of contradictions and when challenged to present them merely asked a question that wasn't based on a contradiction.

Game over then

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Eastern religions, and especially polytheistic religions, tend to be a lot looser in their scripture. They take it from different sources and different teachers, and not one "solid book provided to us by God". In religious terms it's not hard to argue that polytheism is much more tolerant.


As for Buddhism, that's seperate, and my knowledge is much smaller than yours. :)



There are all sorts of contradictions. There is a ruling that if a sura was written earlier and has been contradicted, it can be ignored for the later statement.


Yet the Quran is not organised in a chronological order, so it takes understanding to work out which bit is considered "true" and which bit should be ignored. Still we're told it's the perfect work of God.


Then we have to understand that Muhammed had access to the two other holy books, and openly copied from them. If the Bible is full of contradictions I see no reason why the Quran suddenly starts to form itself into something sensible in 700AD, in a language that wasn't uniform and took another 200 years to form, mixed with the political implications of their empire.

Islam was there, it's just that they couldn't read or write


But Yeh Islam have borrowed religions to justify people to go and blow themselves up


Its run by clerics like Hamza who just tell them anything to get the jews

Edited by Drone
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