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Muslim Rage-a different view?

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There just stories in people's life's, but I haven't found any evidence Mary and Joseph existed, maybe they were yeshua's parents, maybe not, I don't know


There is a book available, about the evidence for Jesus outside the "canon" of the New Testament, (It's subtitle is something like Evidence for Jesus ) and there is a report cited in the book, where there is mention of a trial for blasphemy, of a "Yeshua Bar Yosef" (Jesus, bar {son of} Joseph)


In Palestine the tradition in Judaism (as In Arab society) is for the child to be called after his father's name as in "John, bar Fred" (John son of Fred) which is taken to the Nth degree to certify the person's pedigree, so Fred would be Fred, Bar Peter", making John "John bar Fred bar Peter" etc (In Arabic "bar is rendered "Ibn/ Bin)

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How to behave in battle, what do you think their doing? Playing cards?...jesus christ


So, you didn't know there were laws in Islam about what was and what wasn't permissible regarding warfare?


there are... and they pre-date the Geneva Convention by almost 1400 years.


Under Islam, the laws about Warfare are that you can only kill legitimate combatants (IE other soldiers). You aren't allowed to kill civilians, especially women, children and the elderly. (According to all Muslim scholars it is not permissible to kill women or children unless they are fighting against the Muslims)


You cannot destroy livestock or crops, or the infrastructure. (Harming civilian areas and pillaging residential areas is also forbidden, as is the destruction of trees, crops, livestock and farmlands.The Muslim forces may not loot travellers, as doing so is contrary to the spirit of jihad. Nor do they have the right to use the local facilities of the native people without their consent. If consent is obtained, the Muslim army is still under the obligation to compensate the people financially for the use of such facilities)


Commentators of the Qur'an agree that Muslims should always be willing and ready to negotiate peace with the other party without any hesitation. (According to Maududi) Islam does not permit Muslims to reject peace and continue bloodshed.



In the Qur’anic passages narrating the story of Cain and Abel (Surah 5:27-32, revealed very late in Muhammad’s life) one can read an explicit protection of the lives of the innocent. Surah 5:32 informs us that, if anyone takes the life of another human, unless it is for murder, aggressive violence or persecution, it is as though he has killed all of humanity. Likewise, if anyone saves a life, it is as though he has saved all of humanity.


To discourage war, the very next verse is clear: those who undertake warfare against the innocent do not count as innocent, nor do those who inflict grave injustice or oppression upon the innocent. They forfeit their right to what we would nowadays call “civilian immunity,” and are liable to be killed in battle or executed if they are caught and have not repented.

(which knocks the Idiocy of the suicide bombers into a cocked hat)


There is a famous hadith about warfare from Abu Bakr dating from shortly after Mohammed died:-


Do not act treacherously; do not act disloyally; do not act neglectfully. Do not mutilate; do not kill little children or old men, or women; do not cut off the heads off the palm-trees or burn them; do not cut down the fruit trees; do not slaughter a sheep or a cow or a camel, except for food. You will pass by people who devote their lives in cloisters; leave them and their devotions alone. You will come upon people who bring you platters in which are various sorts of food; if you eat any of it, mention the name of God over it.


Fighting in self-defence is not only legitimate but considered obligatory upon Muslims, according to the Qur'an. The Qur'an, however, says that should enemy hostile behaviour cease, then the reason for engaging such enemy also lapses.


Torturing the enemy, and burning the combatants alive is strictly prohibited. The mutilation of dead bodies is also prohibited.

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Christianity was the only one who wanted to free people


really? so how come Islam's standpoint is that the emancipation (freeing) of a slave is a noble act?


slam's approach to slavery added the idea that freedom was the natural state of affairs for human beings and in line with this it limited the opportunities to enslave people, commended the freeing of slaves and regulated the way slaves were treated:


Islam greatly limited those who could be enslaved and under what circumstances (although these restrictions were often evaded)

Islam treated slaves as human beings as well as property

Islam banned the mistreatment of slaves - indeed the tradition repeatedly stresses the importance of treating slaves with kindness and compassion

Islam allowed slaves to achieve their freedom and made freeing slaves a virtuous act

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