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Muslim Rage-a different view?

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Anyway ya ever noticed that all these muslim leaders justify suicide bombings but never actually do it themselves?

Or is it just me?


I've said this so many times, myself.


if this paradise is so fantastic, why aren't these supposed "teachers" who push suicide bombings etc, shoving all the gullible kids out of the way, to be ahead of the game?

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I've said this so many times, myself.


if this paradise is so fantastic, why aren't these supposed "teachers" who push suicide bombings etc, shoving all the gullible kids out of the way, to be ahead of the game?


Exactly PT, i don't know what you should do Regarding Islam, it's up to you but i understand it's difficult

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Who says?


Aren't there Jews who pick and choose the scriptures from the Torah they follow? Aren't there Christians who, ditto, with regard to the Bible? Just so with the Qur'an


How many Catholics do we know, who practice birth control, contrary to the Vatican's teaching against contraceptives?


How many Church-going Christians having pre- and extra-marital sex?


Christians (even Christian church leaders) who are gay, contrary to the Church's teachings against being gay? (not that it actually concerns me about who is "zooming" who, it's none of my business.)

I make sure I don't have any contradictions in my work, anyone else then it's up to them


Regarding christianity, being gay was against the law, that was the law back then but team thing with christianity is your supposed to update it as time passes by and gay marriage should be here already but isn't because of the catholic church so blame them

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When you mentioned about that blasphemy charge


I remember something about coming across it now, I will have to go back to it but as I remember it was a charge trumped up by yeshua I think but ill look into it and let you know

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