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Muslim Rage-a different view?

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pre puberty or post puberty? This child was pre puberty, by the standards of the day in that part of the world she was to young. (6 to 9) years old. Hence to justify the act, it was claimed god said it was ok.


Such a relationship, even in context of the year and location, to my and many others minds destroys the credibility of the man. However I am open to debate on the issue.


Discussing this one aspect of his actions should not be taboo, or run the risks of violence. As it does I am not surprised that frustrated people resort to cartoons.



No response PT. CLASSIC.

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No response PT. CLASSIC.


Seeing as there are almost 500 responses, to this thread, in total, you must have lost the post number 444 where I answered you, so I'm afraid "No:- classic/ epic fail there!" sorry to burst your balloon and all that...


But, yeah... FAIL.

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now, you know you are talking absolute cobblers. You KNOW that, historically, marriages were often set up, worldwide with youngsters. Evidence has been provided to show that it was very common.


If Aisha was as young as alleged, when she married Mohammed, (which I don't actually believe she was) where was the outcry at the time? Considering there was supposed to be a lot to criticise Mohammed about, don't you think it odd that this was one thing that he wasn't criticised for?


(and where was the outcry when other marriages happened, in history, eg when people like King John were marrying so-called "child-brides?") I'll tell you...


a) because at that time it was not considered wrong, it was the practice. (Just like at that time it was common to keep slaves)


and b) a person was considered an adult once they had reached puberty, (consider the Jewish Bar-mitzvah ceremony, that pubertal Jewish lads take part in. 11, 12 and up. what happens? They recite a piece of the Scriptures, and they are then considered "men":- fully adult, fully able to take their part as a member of the Jewish community..


It was canon that even Maryam (Mary) mother of Isa (Jesus) was only 12 or 13 when she was Pregnant with Isa. More to the point, she was already betrothed to Joseph, so she was even younger than that at the time of her betrothal to him.... Why aren't you showing the same faux outrage at that?


Pre puberty. do you get it? the founder of your faith had a sexual relationship with a pre puberty child. what was he 50? and she was 6? 8? sick then and sick now.

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Pre puberty. do you get it? the founder of your faith had a sexual relationship with a pre puberty child. did jim fix it?


Now you are trolling, and being deliberately inflammatory and deliberately and obscenely offensive.


NOWHERE is there ANY proof that Ayesha was pre-puberty when they married.


As has been pointed out to you before (Oddly enough, comments which you have conveniently chosen to ignore!!!) Ayesha was post-pubertal. Remember, the law of the society at that time was that someone who had reached menarche/ puberty was considered to be an adult.


Are you deliberately trying to muddy the waters because I also proved you wrong in the snipe you had about your claim that I had not answered you, when I was able to show that I had done so, in post 444?

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Now you are trolling, and being deliberately inflammatory and deliberately and obscenely offensive.


NOWHERE is there ANY proof that Ayesha was pre-puberty when they married.


As has been pointed out to you before (Oddly enough, comments which you have conveniently chosen to ignore!!!) Ayesha was post-pubertal. Remember, the law of the society at that time was that someone who had reached menarche/ puberty was considered to be an adult.


Are you deliberately trying to muddy the waters because I also proved you wrong in the snipe you had about your claim that I had not answered you, when I was able to show that I had done so, in post 444?

can i ask you a genuine question


do you still believe islam ?

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Pre puberty. do you get it? the founder of your faith had a sexual relationship with a pre puberty child. did jim fix it?


Notice your "judicious" *cough) edit there:-


Pre puberty. do you get it? the founder of your faith had a sexual relationship with a pre puberty child. did jim fix it? what was he 50? and she was 6? 8? sick then and sick now.


digging yourself a deeper hole, and using insults does not mean that the trolling you posted there is correct, you know. I still answered the question in post 444.

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Short answer? "yes"


Slightly longer answer:- "Why shouldn't I?"


Because Drone has told you your being lied to - without any evidence whatsoever, and told you his religion is the best in the world - again with absolutely no evidence whatsoever, so naturally you would have stopped believing in Islam and become a Christian (but not a proper Christian - because they lie to you too).

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