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Muslim Rage-a different view?

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Because paul told me and I believe him because I know it's true


Similar with you and budda


If you want to go back to debating budda, it's up to you, I have half an hour


Buddha didn't 'tell me' anything. Buddhism seemed reasonable, I practiced it, it delivered what it promised.


Let's not go back to Buddhism, let's talk about Christianity and the evidence you can provide for your statements that myself and PT are being lied to by our respective religions and your claim that yours is the right branch of Christianity.


What evidence can you give us to show that your idea about Christianity are correct?


What do you think of other schools of Christianity (apart from Catholicism)


Why do you think myself and PT are being lied to by our respective religions? Note; I'm not asking you why you think they're wrong, I'm asking you to provide specific evidence for your claim that they lie.

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Right firstly richard you said originally that Buddhism offered nothing...Yes you said this..

Which is why I asked you if you go to work for free..


Regarding other branches of christianity, well I don't even need to study them as I know that if pauls is true then their automatically false so it saves time


According to redwhine ( and I never checked this fact ) she claims there is 41 000 branches of christianity


The same goes with Islam but it what you get from Paul and noone else is that you can borrow him and it let's you hack into anything you want that is based on lies and deceit


It's quite fun actually but it can send you paranoid and kinda scared sometimes where you think people are after you which results in coming out with strange things that may not be true, but once you get to know him fully then it goes away but it let's you predict things, not predict things in the future but what is actually really going on without actually being there so that's why I say hacking


The main thing is to build a picture of things but to study it to get paul is very very hard, I kinda discovered him by accident so I think that is the only way as the real paul you read about is made up


But because I have discovered him, it might allow you to do the same but I'm not sure because I don't know if you have to discover him by accident to get to know the real Saul or you can follow his teachings by people letting you know...


You will be my first student so try him and let me know your progress


But like I say the best use of him is sorting world out as he is the only one capable of doing good it as he doesn't have any contradictions so when it comes to debate, he can't lose..


But he doesn't like racism, discrimination or anything of any kind and anyone does follow him and still does this then you don't know him and he wouldn't let you know him anyway

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Right firstly richard you said originally that Buddhism offered nothing...Yes you said this..

Which is why I asked you if you go to work for free..[/Quote]


What I actually said was that if you go expecting to get something out of it you will probably get nothing, that is quite different from saying it offers nothing.


I already told you at that point in the conversation that I had recieved a great deal from Buddhism.


...and asking me if I would work for free to demonstrate a point you'd evidently misunderstood (and I addressed as much at the time) does not constitute 'evidence that Buddhism is lying to me, which was the specific question I asked you to demonstrate evidence for.


Regarding other branches of christianity, well I don't even need to study them as I know that if pauls is true then their automatically false so it saves time[/Quote]


But how do you know that one is true? What evidence have you seen/undertaken to verify that statement?


According to redwhine ( and I never checked this fact ) she claims there is 41 000 branches of christianity[/Quote]


I would say variants rather than branches which are two different things but anyway...


The same goes with Islam but it what you get from Paul and noone else[/Quote]


How do you know you get it from no one else if you haven't looked at anyone else?


is that you can borrow him and it let's you hack into anything you want that is based on lies and deceit [/Quote]


Why and how?


It's quite fun actually but it can send you paranoid and kinda scared sometimes where you think people are after you which results in coming out with strange things that may not be true, but once you get to know him fully then it goes away but it let's you predict things, not predict things in the future but what is actually really going on without actually being there so that's why I say hacking[/Quote]


But without wanting to seem rude the things you have suggested (Buddha and Islam lying for example, and many many more things on different threads which we wont go into) are wrong, and you have offered no evidence whatsoever that they may be correct, so it's far more likely that you're not actually seeing 'what's going on' but creating scenarios and attatching to them as real.


The main thing is to build a picture of things but to study it to get paul is very very hard, I kinda discovered him by accident so I think that is the only way as the real paul you read about is made up[/Quote]


But you must have discovered him from some aspect, you must have some source to verify your version of Paul, otherwise your version is no more real than the version you read about.


But because I have discovered him, it might allow you to do the same but I'm not sure because I don't know if you have to discover him by accident to get to know the real Saul or you can follow his teachings by people letting you know...[/Quote]


You have yet to convince me that you have discovered him.


You will be my first student so try him and let me know your progress[/Quote]


In Buddhism there is a strict system for qualifying whether your teacher is 'worthy' (for want of a better word), before telling me I am your 'student' you would have to convince me that you are authentic, you have a long, long way to go before you do that.


But like I say the best use of him is sorting world out as he is the only one capable of doing good it as he doesn't have any contradictions so when it comes to debate, he can't lose..[/Quote]


Why do you constantly insist debate is about winning and losing? Surely it's about learning?


You say he has no contradictions and yet you have yet to provide any source material for him, what exactly is it that you are using as his teachings?


But he doesn't like racism, discrimination or anything of any kind and anyone does follow him and still does this then you don't know him and he wouldn't let you know him anyway


Again, any scriptural reference for this? You also said in a different post that Christianity evolves, how do you know it's evolving in line with Paul?

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What I actually said was that if you go expecting to get something out of it you will probably get nothing, that is quite different from saying it offers nothing.


I already told you at that point in the conversation that I had recieved a great deal from Buddhism.


...and asking me if I would work for free to demonstrate a point you'd evidently misunderstood (and I addressed as much at the time) does not constitute 'evidence that Buddhism is lying to me, which was the specific question I asked you to demonstrate evidence for.




But how do you know that one is true? What evidence have you seen/undertaken to verify that statement?




I would say variants rather than branches which are two different things but anyway...




How do you know you get it from no one else if you haven't looked at anyone else?




Why and how?




But without wanting to seem rude the things you have suggested (Buddha and Islam lying for example, and many many more things on different threads which we wont go into) are wrong, and you have offered no evidence whatsoever that they may be correct, so it's far more likely that you're not actually seeing 'what's going on' but creating scenarios and attatching to them as real.




But you must have discovered him from some aspect, you must have some source to verify your version of Paul, otherwise your version is no more real than the version you read about.




You have yet to convince me that you have discovered him.




In Buddhism there is a strict system for qualifying whether your teacher is 'worthy' (for want of a better word), before telling me I am your 'student' you would have to convince me that you are authentic, you have a long, long way to go before you do that.




Why do you constantly insist debate is about winning and losing? Surely it's about learning?


You say he has no contradictions and yet you have yet to provide any source material for him, what exactly is it that you are using as his teachings?




Again, any scriptural reference for this? You also said in a different post that Christianity evolves, how do you know it's evolving in line with Paul?

I dont know why you bother answering

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I can't help you richard unless you go and find the answers yourself


I can tell you but to YOU it will just seem like lies, like it obviously does


I can not make you learn and understand him, you have to do it yourself


But I agree he doesn't have a starting point so that's why you can only discover him by accident


The catholic church have covered him up and are sprouting their teachings


This is why world is in a mess because paul is not understood


Just at least give him ago and see what you think

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I can tell you but to YOU it will just seem like lies, like it obviously does[/Quote]


I never said it seemed like lies, i asked you to tell me what your source was.


Just at least give him ago and see what you think


I can't give it a go unless I have something to go on. Let's be honest you're very good at telling other people their religion is wrong but not very forthcoming when it comes to sharing any substance of your own - it seems you can't even give me any historical confirmation of your particular brance of Christianity.


You have, I note, also left a great many direct questions unanswered, this doesn't inspire confidence that what you say is authentic :(

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That's because it seems like lies


The one truth of christianity is Pauls, noone else's but Pauls


There is not a starting point, I agree so if I went to someone without a starting point then it wouldn't be believed so I have had to debate others on their religion and atheists to show it through that instead


It's up to you richard, the key thing is for YOU to get the answers yourself but I don't know if that's impossible and only possible by discovering him by accident


Right going back to Buddhism, well this is simple because the game doesn't work at the beginning,


I asked you how did you know budda did really go to nibana and you responded I don't know


So as soon as you said " I don't know " , straight away your religion is cancelled out as false as you have a contradiction before you even start on it


I don't go on contradictions and when I'm thinking about things myself, I will build a picture up but it's a building process you see, you build as you go along and you might come across contradictions but if you do, then you can NOT ignore them, you have to solve them if possible, if you can't then that means what you was thinking was not true so you get your answer there


I have thought of a starting place for you, try starting here and let me know if it works


This is one of pauls teachings



For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. (Romans 1:18-21)

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