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Muslim Rage-a different view?

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That's because it seems like lies[/Quote]


It doesn't seem like lies it seems like there is no substance, these are not the same thing.


The one truth of christianity is Pauls, noone else's but Pauls[/Quote]


Repeating it doesn't provide evidence for it.


There is not a starting point, I agree so if I went to someone without a starting point then it wouldn't be believed so I have had to debate others on their religion and atheists to show it through that instead[/Quote]


But your not showing it through anything, you're just making accusations that other people's religions are lying to them without backing those assertions up.


It's up to you richard, the key thing is for YOU to get the answers yourself but I don't know if that's impossible and only possible by discovering him by accident[/Quote]


I can't get answers from something with no substance to grasp. This is why the Buddhist path is a fabrication, to point to the ungraspable, but your offering something insubstantial and trying to point at with the insubstantial, it doesn't work.


Right going back to Buddhism, well this is simple because the game doesn't work at the beginning,


I asked you how did you know budda did really go to nibana and you responded I don't know


So as soon as you said " I don't know " , straight away your religion is cancelled out as false as you have a contradiction before you even start on it[/Quote]


Your logic is flawed, I said I don't know because I wasn't there, I have to take it on faith, but that faith is backed up by having seen that the practice delivers what is promised.


There isn't a contradiction saying I don't know that Buddha really went to Nibbana, I don't know but I do believe, that's not contradiction, it's honesty.


How does honesty cancel my religion as false? That's a question, it requires an answer, I point this out becuase you don't usually give them.


I don't go on contradictions and when I'm thinking about things myself, I will build a picture up but it's a building process you see, you build as you go along and you might come across contradictions but if you do, then you can NOT ignore them, you have to solve them if possible, if you can't then that means what you was thinking was not true so you get your answer there[/Quote]


We wouldn't necessarily say that, because we do have a paradoxical nature to the teaching in Buddhism (that being that you have to practice a fabricated path to remove fabrication), so if we mistook that paradox as contradiction we could abandon the path before it's started, you have to use discernment and various markers to discern exactly what your looking at.


I have thought of a starting place for you, try starting here and let me know if it works


This is one of pauls teachings


For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. (Romans 1:18-21)


So there are scriptural teachings of Paul available after all - now we're beginning to get somewhere - so we'll take this as a starting point - what evidence do you have that this teaching is genuinly from Paul?

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Because it stated it was from Paul but not only that I know it's pauls, i can feel it


Ya still not understanding though Richard,


The game is on you not me....i can't prove or show my work unless I am taken on in a debate but the bits about predicting and knowing lies and finding the truth is part of my work that I have to do


You have to prove yours is the real deal and the game is on you


I know for a fact that your belief that budda did really go is not as what you make out


You belief is not 100% genuine is it?

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Because it stated it was from Paul but not only that I know it's pauls, i can feel it


Ya still not understanding though Richard,


The game is on you not me....i can't prove or show my work unless I am taken on in a debate but the bits about predicting and knowing lies and finding the truth is part of my work that I have to do


You have to prove yours is the real deal and the game is on you


I know for a fact that your belief that budda did really go is not as what you make out


You belief is not 100% genuine is it?


I'm not playing 'a game'. What's more I neither 'have to', nor have any inclination to prove Buddhism is the 'real deal'.



Furthermore if you genuinely believe I don't fully accept Buddhism as authentic, if as you claim you 'know 100%' then that tells me that the intuitive awareness you claim to possess is nothing more than a delusion.


On that note, and considering I have given you far more time, and been far more tolerant of you than anyone else on this forum I'm afraid I will bid you good luck for the future and consider our association at an end. Take care.

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You have just said you don't have to or neither need the desire to prove its true


Your wrong, you know you CANT prove it but you won't admit your wrong, you have clear contradictions in Buddhism and your ignoring them


Buddhism itself in what you told me is ok anyway, it's harmless, if you want to do it then do it ..


But it is not true and I know you know that budda didn't 100% go to nabbana..what is it again nibbini? Or nabbana?

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what is it again nibbini? Or nabbana?


The Pali word is nibbana, the Sanskrit is nirvana. An exact translation is difficult on account of it being a word used to represent an indescribable 'state' but it is usually translated as either a state of 'awakening' or the state of becoming 'extinguished.


I hope that helps, please don't try to continue your performance from yesterday, I'm merely clarifying a word you have difficulty with.

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An amateur group of Islamic film makers have posted a video on YouTube which mocks Christianity and Jesus Christ.


It is believed to be so offensive that St Peter's church in Shrewsbury have postponed their tea and cake morning until next Wednesday, and Dorothy Green from Margate has written in to Points of view.


When will the madness end?

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