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Muslim Rage-a different view?

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An amateur group of Islamic film makers have posted a video on YouTube which mocks Christianity and Jesus Christ.


It is believed to be so offensive that St Peter's church in Shrewsbury have postponed their tea and cake morning until next Wednesday, and Dorothy Green from Margate has written in to Points of view.


When will the madness end?


Madness indeed! fancy postponing the tea and cake morning over that,and Dorothy in Margate?...no comment.

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The Pali word is nibbana, the Sanskrit is nirvana. An exact translation is difficult on account of it being a word used to represent an indescribable 'state' but it is usually translated as either a state of 'awakening' or the state of becoming 'extinguished.


I hope that helps, please don't try to continue your performance from yesterday, I'm merely clarifying a word you have difficulty with.

Ok thanks, where on earth is it anyway? ..

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I don't know where christian heaven is, I've not been[/Quote]


Where do you believe it is then, where does Paul tell you it is?


Do you follow all the scripture from the bible attributed to Paul or only some? If so which do you accept and which do you reject?


What the hell is nibbana then? ...forgot what you said, was it a promise you get for doing as ya told?


Don't start being naughty again, because next time I will not reply to you at all.


If you wan't to find out more about Buddhism/share things about your religion then I'm happy to talk - if you just start with the 'You're religion is wrong and you know it' line I will not reply, not even to tell you I'm not replying - do you agree?


Nibbana isn't a 'promise' for doing anything, it's quite difficult to explain because it is beyond words.


In Islam they have 100 names for God - which are there because God is unknowable and the names reflect some of his attributes - so that the Muslim has something solid to 'touch' in order to connect to God.


It's the same for Nibbana - there are similes used to express various aspects of it - but a complete explanation is impossible.


All I can do is give you a couple of these similes and hope you grasp something of what it is, there are many - so I'm literally only going to give you one or two.


It (the knowledge available when in the 'state' of Nibbana) is described as being a forest of leaves whereas all that can be taught about it (without leading people astray) is like a handful of leaves.


It is described as 'an island', it is described like this because when a someone is a Arahat (someone who has achieved Nibbana) it is like they are 'safe' on an island from all outside influences (this is also the source of the Buddha describing his teachings as a 'raft' to get to Nibbana.


I hope that is of use to you.

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I have plenty of muslim friends who hate extremists.


Better to try and cloud the issue isn't it? Keep putting doubt in peoples' mind and they will become divided and easier to opinionate and control making it easier to achieve your objectives. Something this government understands with their current policies of divide and conquer.

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Ok I'm sorry I take it your not one for a debate


God in Arabic means Allah, there only have one name as PT said " allah is unique "


The difference muslims have about allah is that some think he can be seen while others say he can not be seen which then causes an argument


I think budda might have been a recluse or just hated war...tell me abit about budda himself....to Richard


Oh and on Pauls christianity afterlife goes like this


Best way I can explain it is the Pot Theory


Think of a large pot where when creatures die get mixed in to this pot and stirred around during and mixed in.


Your mixed in when you die and spat out as something else but you have no link to previous life or anything like that..


Basically as you are now, you don't have knowledge of a past life so that makes it that they isn't a life when you come back otherwise you would know


But converting to him then that theory automatically comes, he doesn't actually tell you himself

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Ok I'm sorry I take it your not one for a debate[/Quote]


I'm quite happy to debate - but telling people 'You're being lied to and I know that you know your religion is false' is not debate.


God in Arabic means Allah, there only have one name as PT said " allah is unique "[/Quote]


Maybe you should study Islam a bit more. Allah being unique has nothing to do with 'the names of Allah' - it is said in relation to other Gods.


The difference muslims have about allah is that some think he can be seen while others say he can not be seen which then causes an argument[/Quote]


I don't know what you mean by this.


I think budda might have been a recluse or just hated war...tell me abit about budda himself....to Richard


Buddha wasn't a recluse in the classic sense of the term, he called people who lived the sort of life he lived 'Bhikku's', which roughly translated means wandering begger - because they had no permanent residence and they only ate what was offered to them.


Buddha didn't 'hate' war - this is one of the biggest misconceptions about the Buddha. He taught war was 'unskilful' - that is if you want to attain nibbana partaking in (and I would guess actively supporting) war was detrimental to that goal - but he had sponsors who were kings and warlords, he used descriptions of war in his teachings and in the mahaparinibbana sutta which details the account of his death he was even approached and asked his advice on which would be the best way to win a war - I think the best way to summarise his idea of war would be that he didn't support it but wasn't actively against it.


As far as a general biography goes there is plenty of info on the net, it would take too long to put even key points up here.

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Oh and on Pauls christianity afterlife goes like this


Best way I can explain it is the Pot Theory


Think of a large pot where when creatures die get mixed in to this pot and stirred around during and mixed in.


Your mixed in when you die and spat out as something else but you have no link to previous life or anything like that..


Basically as you are now, you don't have knowledge of a past life so that makes it that they isn't a life when you come back otherwise you would know


But converting to him then that theory automatically comes, he doesn't actually tell you himself


So there is no sciptural reference to Paul's afterlife?


What about a specific Church or community that follows thgis understanding?


Or is it just you?

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