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Muslim Rage-a different view?

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What was the age of consent in the UK and other countries around the same time? :roll:

I doubt if there was any specified age, if the women were old enough to bear children they were old enough to marry as far as I know there is no historical references to what age that was ,this is the main problem in todays society it is well documented that Aisha was below the recognized age of puberty in the West anyway ,whether eastern girls achieved puberty quicker at that time is probably unknown,obviously it was a accepted practise in those parts at that time otherwise the documentation would not have been made leaving the Prophets sexual orientation open to the same examination and criticism as it is now.

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I doubt if there was any specified age, if the women were old enough to bear children they were old enough to marry as far as I know there is no historical references to what age that was ,this is the main problem in todays society it is well documented that Aisha was below the recognized age of puberty in the West anyway ,whether eastern girls achieved puberty quicker at that time is probably unknown,obviously it was a accepted practise in those parts at that time otherwise the documentation would not have been made leaving the Prophets sexual orientation open to the same examination and criticism as it is now.


post puberty, its that simple.

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Yes it is, well documented in islamic texts. You can start here and research it.






Mohammad's marriage to Aisha is not something I know about so I'm not crticising your opinion here but you do realise that you said it was well documented in Islamic texts, then posted two wiki articles that are both in some way either disputed or lacking citation and both use the same reference for Aisha's age - and that refernce is a book, not an Islamic text.


I'm all for you putting your point across using Islamic texts but at least link us to the appropriate text instead of wiki articles.

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The fanatics rampaging and killing are just the Islamic equivalent of our track-suited underclass e.g. thick, uneducated and poor. With no brain or reasoning power the animals react to perceived insults in the way Pavlov's dog reacted to a bell.


The time when humanity wakes up and realises there is no God and they've wasted hundreds of years getting worked up about nothing while pollution and poverty went unchallenged will be a happy one.


I concur. Best post I've read on here in ages.

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Mohammad's marriage to Aisha is not something I know about so I'm not crticising your opinion here but you do realise that you said it was well documented in Islamic texts, then posted two wiki articles that are both in some way either disputed or lacking citation and both use the same reference for Aisha's age - and that refernce is a book, not an Islamic text.


I'm all for you putting your point across using Islamic texts but at least link us to the appropriate text instead of wiki articles.


I get your point, however I was just providing a starting point.

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