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New Comet arriving 2013 - brighter than the moon

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Aaah, the memorable comet Hale Bopp.


I recall pointing it out to some friends. We had to drive out of town to see it at all.


Me: Look up there.

Them: Where?

Me: You see that smudge that is a tiny bit bigger than a star, but not as bright...



It wasn't that memorable really:)


Maybe this one will be better. They are notoriously difficult to predict.


I recall standing in Walkley outside the Dram Shop (is it still there?) and Hale Bopp was very bright and easily visible through the streetlight glare. It was incredibly memorable and very very obvious. The Heaven's Gate lot, whose website is still active it seems certainly thought it memorable as I recall!

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Party pooper!


I was with you there for a while, and my optimism was starting to drain away with the gentle reminder that comets are indeed difficult to predict, but then I remembered that I thought Hale-Bopp was amazing. I sat staring at it for hours.


So with two good chances in 2013, and one of them "quite possibly a once-in-a-civilisation's-lifetime event" I'm going to remain excited thanks.In fact, I'm so excited I reckon C/2012 S1 will arrive with a cargo of naked vampires like in that documentary.




Or the end-of-a-civilisation-event.

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  • 2 months later...
Aaah, the memorable comet Hale Bopp.


I recall pointing it out to some friends. We had to drive out of town to see it at all.


Me: Look up there.

Them: Where?

Me: You see that smudge that is a tiny bit bigger than a star, but not as bright...



It wasn't that memorable really:)


Maybe this one will be better. They are notoriously difficult to predict.


I was living Devon when Hale Bopp visited and the view of it from Dartmoor was breathtaking.

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