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Peanut butter and jam sarnies racist ?

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Very true.

This idiot is failing these kids and she should be sacked and someone with their head screwed on right employed instead.


I don't know Ms. Gutierrez personally, but I had a run in with my son's first grade teacher, who like Ms. Gutierrez was first generation American. My mother is Mexican, but my boy is blond and blue eyed.


I came to school for a progress report. We started chatting about family stuff and I was shocked when she insisted that my kind of Mexican couldn't possibly understand her kind of Mexican because my son wasn't brown, and I wasn't brown enough.


I just said I hoped she wouldn't allow something so petty to interfere with her teaching my son and she finally dropped it.


I get the impression Ms. Gutierrez still has a Texas sized chip on her shoulder about growing up poor, but she needs to get over it and put the kids first. She's in a tremendous position to really do some good and make a difference in the lives of children who maybe don't have strong support systems in place at home. Getting them on the right track at school, now, can make all the difference for them later on.

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I don't know Ms. Gutierrez personally, but I had a run in with my son's first grade teacher, who like Ms. Gutierrez was first generation American. My mother is Mexican, but my boy is blond and blue eyed.


I came to school for a progress report. We started chatting about family stuff and I was shocked when she insisted that my kind of Mexican couldn't possibly understand her kind of Mexican because my son wasn't brown, and I wasn't brown enough.


I just said I hoped she wouldn't allow something so petty to interfere with her teaching my son and she finally dropped it.


I get the impression Ms. Gutierrez still has a Texas sized chip on her shoulder about growing up poor, but she needs to get over it and put the kids first. She's in a tremendous position to really do some good and make a difference in the lives of children who maybe don't have strong support systems in place at home. Getting them on the right track at school, now, can make all the difference for them later on.


'Hispanic' - what is and what is not - is another problem, though.


When the guy in Sanford shot the dark-skinned guy, the world (and his cousin) tried to make out it was a 'racial' shooting.


'White guy shoots black guy'


Then it turned out that the 'white guy' was an Hispanic.- Aah! - but a 'white' Hispanic.


(William Blaise Richards lll [the most recent governor of NM] was also an Hispanic.


A 'white hispanic', or does racism work only one way?

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Me too. Ms. Gutierrez needs to stop focusing on the crazy stuff and do the job she's being paid to do. Educate these kids.


Even if you're right here, this in itself is ridiculous; it comes to something when an American teacher in America can't verbally use a pb sandwich as an example because of the cultural sensitivities/confusion. Imagine a teacher itnSheffield not being able to mention Yorkshire puddings.


Very true.

This idiot is failing these kids and she should be sacked and someone with their head screwed on right employed instead.


You're missing the point by miles. Re - read cgksheff's very sensible and informative post (no.21, top of this page). It's about good teaching practice and nothing to do with racism at all.


Birds - it's not about 'cultural sensitivities' it's about intelligent teaching. To use your 'yorkshire pudding' as an example - it wouldn't make a lot of sense to use them as an example of something in teaching if most of the class don't know what they are and haven't eaten one. Common sense really.

If, for example you're talking to the children about familiar foods, you might be better off with bhajis and samosas or KFC or whatever, depending on what sort of class you have.

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You're missing the point by miles. Re - read cgksheff's very sensible and informative post (no.21, top of this page). It's about good teaching practice and nothing to do with racism at all.


Birds - it's not about 'cultural sensitivities' it's about intelligent teaching. To use your 'yorkshire pudding' as an example - it wouldn't make a lot of sense to use them as an example of something in teaching if most of the class don't know what they are and haven't eaten one. Common sense really.

If, for example you're talking to the children about familiar foods, you might be better off with bhajis and samosas or KFC or whatever, depending on what sort of class you have.


It would be common sense if they left it at a simple explanation or substitution. This is waste and mismanagement masquerading as common sense and they get away with it because there aren't enough parents who have the knowledge, time and inclination to go down there and raise hell.


One parent commented anonymously (that tells you a lot about how parental concerns are dealt with at this school) that the drum club excluded some students. Ms. Gutierrez denied all allegations and the parent apparently doesn't feel confident enough to pursue the matter. Again, not a good sign.


As for some kids not knowing what a pb&j sandwich is, Ms. Gutierrez needs to eat lunch every day for a week with her students and see what's served. 85% get free lunch. I guarantee those kids have been served hot dogs, hamburgers, pizza, tacos, chicken nuggets and possibly even the mysterious pb&j.


Spending more than half a million dollars on seminars for teachers in a district which is at the bottom of the heap academically and is already stretched thin with fewer teachers and resources to help the kids is criminal.

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I agree teachers should be more aware of cultural differences in their students but I wouldn't base it on a peanut butter and jam sarnie


I don't like peanut butter by the way and the idea of it with jam doesn't seem nice either

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I agree teachers should be more aware of cultural differences in their students but I wouldn't base it on a peanut butter and jam sarnie


I don't like peanut butter by the way and the idea of it with jam doesn't seem nice either


I think the jam is added to prevent the peanut butter cleaving to the roof of the mouth.

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