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Peanut butter and jam sarnies racist ?

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'Hispanic' - what is and what is not - is another problem, though.


When the guy in Sanford shot the dark-skinned guy, the world (and his cousin) tried to make out it was a 'racial' shooting.


'White guy shoots black guy'


Then it turned out that the 'white guy' was an Hispanic.- Aah! - but a 'white' Hispanic.


(William Blaise Richards lll [the most recent governor of NM] was also an Hispanic.


A 'white hispanic', or does racism work only one way?


I would consider George Zimmerman mixed race. He has an anglo surname but looks hispanic.


Bill Richardson (Hey! My parents live in New Mexico) also has an anglo name and looks hispanic.


Racism works the way the person who is making assumptions about someone wants it to work.


And it's rarely good because when someone brings up race, it's usually in conjunction with something you've done wrong. Whether you are aware of it or not doesn't matter. You are just as guilty.

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Well, I can see I need to come over there and make you all peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. ;)


They even have a product just for the lazy.

Goober, i don't think we have anything like this over here, I don't actually look for it but I don't think you can get that over here in a jar, i might be wrong though

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Goober, i don't think we have anything like this over here, I don't actually look for it but I don't think you can get that over here in a jar, i might be wrong though


Just as well, it's awful. I remember begging my mother to buy it when I was a child and it was bad then. My kids begged me to buy it and yup. Still awful.

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Just as well, it's awful. I remember begging my mother to buy it when I was a child and it was bad then. My kids begged me to buy it and yup. Still awful.

My kids like peanut butter and probably would eat goober but I'm not so keen, i don't even like chocolate spread apart from the philadelphia chocolate one which is nice but it's not the same as normal chocolate spread

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He seems to be handwringing about minorities possibly feeling alienated when they see the majority around them merely doing what they do and eating what they eat in their culture... in which case he ought to suggest to the minorities to perhaps try a sandwich, or if not, just east whatever they want to eat alongside the sandwich eating majority, whatever, its all good; Instead, he's opted to insist the majority dont eat sandwiches! :loopy:


No he hasn't... It doesn't say anything about him insisting people eat something different.


The sandwich was reportedly mentioned in a lesson plan last year.


He appears to just not want to include the word sandwich in a lesson plan. Which is frankly a bit odd.

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