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Peanut butter and jam sarnies racist ?

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No he hasn't... It doesn't say anything about him insisting people eat something different.




He appears to just not want to include the word sandwich in a lesson plan. Which is frankly a bit odd.

Oh he doesn't want it mentioned does he? ..well its him who should be aware of cultural differences then

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As they say...."Only in America eh?" :hihi:




Some stuff is downright embarrassing and makes you wonder, 'who eats this?'


All I can say is Goober Grape has been around for years and it's still popular today, so someone must be buying and eating it. :gag:

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Birds - it's not about 'cultural sensitivities' it's about intelligent teaching. To use your 'yorkshire pudding' as an example - it wouldn't make a lot of sense to use them as an example of something in teaching if most of the class don't know what they are and haven't eaten one. Common sense really.

If, for example you're talking to the children about familiar foods, you might be better off with bhajis and samosas or KFC or whatever, depending on what sort of class you have.


I bet most English kids couldn't explain what a bhaji is.

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This is rather a strange one:



Can any of you make any sense of what they are trying to say? really does look like gibberish to me.


What a load of trollocks if you ask me.


Although I have to say peanut butter and jelly sandwiches should just be banned !!! :gag:

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