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EDL march in Rotherham: 13 October

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Here we go,




Impressive. A completely blank page.


I thought you might have a least a little evidence, but nothing was what I expected it would boil down to.


You did know that people's home pages can be blank didn't you?

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So you are an EDL supporter then. Why be so coy about it?

You're not embarrassed to be associated with a bunch of drunken halfwits with an Adolf fixation, surely?

So you are moslem supporter then. Why be so coy about it?

You're not embarrassed to be associated with a bunch of kiddie fiddling halfwits with a head chopping fixation, surely?

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No its Google.


No, my home page is blank. Just because you have your home page set to Google doesn't mean everyone does. And a blank home page makes your browser load quicker.


Use it or dont, im not bothered.



Even if you'd managed to link to http://www.google.com rather than about:home, it wouldn't be evidence to support your claim. Produce some actual evidence or retract your claim and admit you lied.

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If the rate of conviction amongst EDL supporters was similar to the average across the entire population, you might have a point.


This will be my LAST and ONLY comment on this thread as no doubt i will get a ban for speaking my mind not agreeing with the majority!


The EDL have some very good points but go about them in the wrong way however it doesnt matter how they present their view, they would never be listened to. Thats where the anger and frustration comes from. I agree with many of their points. As do many others but many wont admit on a public forum. Im not a racist. I think immigration law needs tightening. I think as a country we are slowly going down the toilet, too many people, not enough proper housing, jobs etc but yet more and more unskilled people entering the country. Our border control isnt tight enough. The word racism is over used and not used in the right context. Non white british people use it to defend themselves and get others into trouble when in arguments and to fight, police are terrified of being accused of being racist so its easier to blame the white man! No wonder so much anger is caused and frustration! Its out of control! It should have been nipped in the bud years ago!

On the radio today for instance, talk show, regarding the family from Harlow. the media were questioning could it be a racial attack. When a house with a white family burns down its a tragic Incident, when a house with a black family burns down its a racial attack thats questioned!!! See what a mean!!!!


My stepdad is indian, my brother mixed race. Both hate how racism is used in todays society and agree its used far more by non white british as a get out and an attack than by white british as an attack!!!

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