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Apart from wear and tear, could this be construed as perpetual motion?

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That's a cheap shot if I ever saw one :P


Well, even if it was, he's got a point.


I have to say, I didn't start this thread and expect to be jumped on from a great height and assasinated. Which is what seemed to happen! Or at least it felt like it!


I get a physics lesson in quantum mechanics, and the theory of thermodynamics. It's just a discussion board!


Someone posted a thread a while ago regarding there not being too many interesting threads. I just thought this subject was interesting. I get a bit tired of the usual 'racist' ranting threads, and all the vonom that goes with that.


I sometimes wonder if 'some' people are a bit afraid to post a thread, when they see what happens to others on here.


Ok Rant over...back on topic!


So the machine isn't perpetual motion then? :hihi::hihi:

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Nope. There are Three laws of thermodynamics, consisting of laws one to three, and the fourth law which was actually logically the first, but added last, and called the zeroth Law. Who said physicists don't have a sense of humour...


Basically in simplified terms...


The zeroth law says all things that are touching one another are all at the same temperature if there is no heat flowing between them.


First law says there is no such thing as a free lunch


Second law says that no only is there no free lunch, the very best you can ever do is break even


and the third Law states that if you want to break even you have to do it at absolute zero, which is impossbile to reach....


So basically - no perpetual motion machines.


Now if cat lands on it's feet, and toast lands butter side down, you can strap a slice of hot toast to a cats back and drop it. It rotates just above the floor as both conditions cannot be true thus making it both perpetual energy and antigravity. It's best viewed with beer goggles though

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Well, even if it was, he's got a point.


I have to say, I didn't start this thread and expect to be jumped on from a great height and assasinated. Which is what seemed to happen! Or at least it felt like it!


I get a physics lesson in quantum mechanics, and the theory of thermodynamics. It's just a discussion board!


Someone posted a thread a while ago regarding there not being too many interesting threads. I just thought this subject was interesting. I get a bit tired of the usual 'racist' ranting threads, and all the vonom that goes with that.


I sometimes wonder if 'some' people are a bit afraid to post a thread, when they see what happens to others on here.


Ok Rant over...back on topic!


So the machine isn't perpetual motion then? :hihi::hihi:


Hi Pete.


Wrong again, I'm afraid. No one has given you any info. regarding quantum mechanics.

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Seriously, though. From an objective POV, it doesn't look like you're being attacked. I agree, though it pains me, with Mr Bloke in that you do start some interesting threads. If, however you ask a question you should be willing to accept the responses of posters with knowledge of the subject in question without feeling attacked; especially if, as in this thread, you are given factually accurate information but continue to argue the toss, as in post 9 and 19.


Keep going with the interesting threads!

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Seriously, though. From an objective POV, it doesn't look like you're being attacked. I agree, though it pains me, with Mr Bloke in that you do start some interesting threads. If, however you ask a question you should be willing to accept the responses of posters with knowledge of the subject in question without feeling attacked; especially if, as in this thread, you are given factually accurate information but continue to argue the toss, as in post 9 and 19.


Keep going with the interesting threads!


I am sorry that I seem to be the cause of your ailments! :sad:

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Seriously, though. From an objective POV, it doesn't look like you're being attacked. I agree, though it pains me, with Mr Bloke in that you do start some interesting threads. If, however you ask a question you should be willing to accept the responses of posters with knowledge of the subject in question without feeling attacked; especially if, as in this thread, you are given factually accurate information but continue to argue the toss, as in post 9 and 19.


Keep going with the interesting threads!


I certainly wasn't attacking anything when I replied on page 1, but I a rather sarcastic response coupled with a complete misunderstanding of rotational energy.

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