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Is Ed Miliband going to lose the next election for Labour?

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I think an elementary study of philosophy will show how pragmatism and rationalism are diametric opposites-so how do you combine these in your analysis?

Pragmatism - practice informed by theory, recursively

Rationalism - deductive approach based upon reason rather than sentiment


I see no 'diametric opposite' in the above.


But by all means, feel free to scrutinise and interpret my posts anal-retentively, and launch into philosophical onanism if you must...but for which I will not have the slightest interest :thumbsup:

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Pragmatism - practice informed by theory, recursively

Rationalism - deductive approach based upon reason rather than sentiment


I see no 'diametric opposite' in the above.


But by all means, feel free to scrutinise and interpret my posts anal-retentively, and launch into philosophical onanism if you must...but for which I will not have the slightest interest :thumbsup:


Well you have a good dictionary,and your interest in onanism was anticipated.I have got to hand it to you madam you are indeed a lady.Pragmatism is based on past experience(empirical) while rationialism is a priori and forward looking-now do you see the difference?

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You can't, and I don't support you, or anyone else for that matter :P


But I do enjoy analysing ongoing and proposed policies (of all parties) under a cold, rational, pragmatic approach.


So far, bar a few occasional successes here and there for the Coalition Tories (not particularly spectacular ones, so completely escaped the red tops most on here appear to favour, and few on here will even be aware of them, but important cornerstones for the ongoing recovery), it's been really poor. Even then, these successes are nothing more than what's been tried (and worked) elsewhere, so little merit or attaboys there - these could have been obtained by Labour 10 years ago or longer, had they bothered.


Labour have been holding their (alleged) policy cards to their chests for so long, most commentators have since given up waiting for them. I don't think we need to comment on their past policies too much - like all Gvts, some have been good, some have been bad, and many fall somewhere in-between. There's been some corkers, admittedly, but nothing e.g. Mitterand had not already tried (and failed, for the exact same reasons, therefore entirely predictably) in France 20 years prior, or Ahern in Ireland 10 years prior.


UKIP are conspicuous by their ongoing mutism and absence from the limelight.


But hey and all that. I can't vote in the UK (for MPs, that is), so you'll understand if I'm not particularly bothered, nor supportive, and would usually tell a politician or his/her party supporter/activist to go forth and procreate very vigorously (which I have done on several occasions, and really rather enjoy, disturbingly...or not :D) :thumbsup:



What recovery???!!!

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