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Cataract operation

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I had a cataract op this morning. 9am.

Straight after the op I couldn't see anything through that eye.

It's a bit better now, 9.45pm, but still not very good.

Can anyone whose had this op say how long it took to get something like normal vision back?

At the moment I'm wondering if I've made a mistake having the operation.

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Hi Dick


I know several people who have had cataracts operated on, including two of my grandparents. Both reported that they had much much better sight the morning after the operation, once the eye had a long rest, but the vision improved for several days afterwards.


I haven't had the interior of my eyes operated on at all, but I had a cyst inside my eyelid removed under local anaesthetic and the inflammation caused by that caused my vision to be very much substandard for at least a week after the cyst was removed, so I would be surprised if the same didn't apply for cataract surgery.


Crossed fingers that you have better vision soon :)

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My friend had hers done a few weeks ago now. The morning after she couldn't believe the difference in her eye, the sight was much improved and now she is very happy she had it done and is now going to have the other one done.


Just be patient and remember everyone is different. I haven't heard of anyone regretting having it done. Give it a couple of days and then, like someone says, contact the hospital but just give it chance to settle first.


Good luck

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Aren't you not supposed to watch tv, use pc, read or anything for at least 24 hours? When aged rellie had cataract done a few years ago was told that, and also friend who had laser eye surgery told the same last year. You might be doing more harm than good posting on here?

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I've had it done, and after the operation was a very nervous time. I think that's understandable. Rest, recuperate, and try not to worry. I was so upset because everyone had said it wouldn't hurt, and in my case it hurt like hell so I immediately thought something had gone wrong. It hadn't of course, I probably just have a very low pain threshold. But it's very unnerving to expect one thing and receive another.


Like previous poster said, everyone's different. That includes healing time. Any worries should be expressed to your doctor, but I'm betting you'll be as right as rain soon enough. Best wishes.

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takes a while.




Write again in a couple of days time.


We're all different. There may be other factors with the eye. My op at Hallamshire went very well without pain and I could see well immediately the eye patch came off.Can't remember how long that was, but might have been only a day or two, at most. If in doubt give it a few more days, then check with hospital concerned.

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