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Does the Sheffield forum attract or deter people from investing in Shefield

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Is there anybody in Sheffield (or on this forum) who believes that the city has a future?


Do the comments and opinions expressed on the forum detract or attract investors?


If you were thinking of investing in Sheffield, then - having read the comments in this forum - would you have changed your investment plan?

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Sheffield does have a future,but what it will be like I do not know.

While ever people vote in council elections just to punish a local MP Sheffield will not advance. I can not envisage seeing a vibrant Sheffield in what is left of my time.

I firmly believe that wherever politicians get involved nothing ever improves but a lot of time is wasted and a vast amount of money is used up with no result.

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It might have more of a future without some of the petulant moaning and groaning from some on here.


And yes, Sheffield Council are useless, but how many of the people who are critical of them on here get off their backsides to do anything about it?

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It might have more of a future without some of the petulant moaning and groaning from some on here.


And yes, Sheffield Council are useless, but how many of the people who are critical of them on here get off their backsides to do anything about it?


A speedy and expected response,the area I live are shortly going to present a petition to the council which would benefit both residents and concil.

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Is there anybody in Sheffield (or on this forum) who believes that the city has a future?
Yes. The AMP and AMRC, and the ever-growing ties of high-tech businesses on there with both Universities, are proof enough of that. There are a myriad businesses not based up there, who are just as innovative and conductive of 'good things' for the city.

Do the comments and opinions expressed on the forum detract or attract investors?
Depends what you call an 'investor'. E.g. a BTL (SF may be relevant to a small extent), a VC (not relevance whatsoever), a large business (even less relevance), etc.


I deal with local and non-local investors on a daily basis, and have done so for years and years. Generally, they do not read/consult Sheffield Forum (or their like) at all. The end ;)

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The Sheffield Forum has a very high Google ranking when searching for company names, places or individuals if named.


Although the Forum is not the first port of call Googles results will be with reputation managers employed to represent them after some bad press to allay bad reports.


Good reports like companies helping communities, getting involved, sponsoring events will only strengthen the profile of those businesses and could create investing.


With the continuing and growing good nature of Sheffielders changing the behaviour of new Sheffield converts we have an enviable reputation as a workforce that is as capable if not better as anywhere else in the UK.


The isolated AMP built with European money is in Rotherham, how many apprentices have they taken on? What investment have they brought?

The Sheffield City Airport is an example of what the people in power are not capable of?

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The isolated AMP built with European money is in Rotherham, how many apprentices have they taken on? What investment have they brought?
See this for starters. I can't be @rsed totting up the £millions invested by private companies on the site, but surely you can - since you asked the question.


So it lies within Rotherham's boundaries - that makes it irrelevant to Sheffield's future, does it?


How you can be negative about it, insofar as Sheffield's future is concerned, is beyond me.


Then again, your post illustrates Rupert's opinion oh-so-aptly.

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I would imagine any firm proposing to locate or invest in Sheffield would conduct due dilligence. So I doubt that the forum would throw up too many surprises. It is more likely that the attitude to Clegg would put off investment from Government sources, but folks looking to locate a business would be more put off by lack of airport, lousy links to Manchester, and the council's war on motorists. They don't need the forum to tell them that.

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Yes. The AMP and AMRC, and the ever-growing ties of high-tech businesses on there with both Universities, are proof enough of that. There are a myriad businesses not based up there, who are just as innovative and conductive of 'good things' for the city.

Depends what you call an 'investor'. E.g. a BTL (SF may be relevant to a small extent), a VC (not relevance whatsoever), a large business (even less relevance), etc.


I deal with local and non-local investors on a daily basis, and have done so for years and years. Generally, they do not read/consult Sheffield Forum (or their like) at all. The end ;)


I wouldn't trust an internet forum to tell me the weather in Sheffield.




Summed up pretty well for me. I think Loob's point on the uni and it's infrastructure is paramount to business. Remove it and business investment would decline, rapidly.

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