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Ikea airbrushing women out of catalogue in Saudi Arabia

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Ikea to women: we 'regret' airbrushing you out of Saudi catalog ...The Swedish flatpack furniture company Ikea says it "regrets" that images of women went missing from the Saudi version of its mail-order catalog.


you thought the koran page burning was bad

now its going to get really nasty the sisterhood will be burning down mosques and furniture stores at the same time

so long as the (GCLSF)" ""gay couples liberation shopping front ""'stay's out of this mess , Ikea might just survive this nightmare.. :o

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A burqua matched with a mini-skirt would seem inconruous,irrespective of the age of the subject.
With a burqa you wouldn't be able to see the mini-skirt. That's the whole idea of being forced to wear it in the first place :D


Should western companies be pandering to the prejudices of the unenlightened? Corporate greed must be the reason. Maybe the sisterhood should go on the rampage .. add a few fireworks and with all that cheap wood around, Ikeas throughout the country would make great bonfires.

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