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Is hitchhiking a thing of the past in Britain today?

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I did hitchike to Europe with a friend,my first trip abroad.I was a poor student nurse at the time, we could only afford to stay in youth hostels.When i look back i can't believe how naive and trusting we were with no fear of danger,we were lucky that we were picked up by nice people.

If i had known then what i know now i would never have done it.


Yes but that goes for loads of things.We need the young to be risk-takers and to move society forward.Without this spirit we would all be fitted out for slippers and the Archers when we graduate with a down payment on Shackletons armchair and a set of wooden bowls for an adrenaline rush.

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Yes unfortunately, Ive done such way back in the 70s before and all was fine


but i also one time had a bad experience in which wasnt very nice


One time in particular i was driving along this country road and seen a guy


standing in front hitching a lift and so i knew what like i felt when trying to hitch


a lift when without a car and so i decided to stop for this guy


whom had sais to me is it ok i get my bag , i sais ye and he then walks


towards the long grass just off behind the grass verge and he pulls out


what appeared to be a heavyish object inside a black plastic bin liner bag


he then sais ok if i can put it inside the boot of your car ?

i sais ye fine, and so i get out car and open the boot of my car

and i was away to help the guy as this heavy duty bin liner bag appeared heavy

and very full , but he sais no he'll manage on his own

and he then placed the bag carefully all along the cars boot

which took all the room up in the boot of the car i noticed


Anyhow he then gets in the back of the car which i felt was rather odd

and i sais you can sit in the front , he replied no im happy here in the back

so me driving along the road and all of a sudden i became rather suspicious

as he both never spoke to me plus that bag ?


And so i decided regards that bin liner id ask him the Question i wanted answered

So i sais excuse me, but what is in the heavy duty binliner you have

as it seems rather heavy he replied abruptly vv


Nothing to do with you, you nosey b-st@-d


So i then was getting rather angry with his cheek and so sais to him

look m8 it was good of me stopping and offering you this lift

as you had a fair distance to go

im asking you a civil question and ill ask you once more

what is it that you have in the bin liner, in the boot of my car ?


he replies again --> Nothing to do with you ya nosey b@st--d


So i sais to him look ive had enough of your cheek

i then angrily by this time stopped the car, and told him to get out of my car

as not putting up with such after only doing a good turn


he then gets out my car and goes towards the boot

i then quickly put my foot down, and drive off leaving him on the edge

of the roadway, and i still had his bag in the boot of my car

anyhow not nice putting up with that i thought ..

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Yes but that goes for loads of things.We need the young to be risk-takers and to move society forward.Without this spirit we would all be fitted out for slippers and the Archers when we graduate with a down payment on Shackletons armchair and a set of wooden bowls for an adrenaline rush.


:hihi: Just for once you deserve some praise for that one.

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