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There's a halal fish and chip shop in Firth Park. How does that work?

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I'm puzzled. How can you have a halal fish and chip shop? I've never been in there to ask.


Oh, and another thing. How would a muslim know if the meat (off at a tangent I know) he was given is actually halal? I presume you can't tell by 'looking' at it! :huh:

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I am “guessing” that they will probably sell kebabs or something similar, and it will be the meat not the fish that is halal. (Fish does not have to be killed in the halal way like animals do) As for “knowing” that the meat is halal it is a matter of trusting the supplier/provider. There was an incident in the media not too long ago where a supplier had been supplying meat as halal and it was not halal.

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I'm puzzled. How can you have a halal fish and chip shop?



"And it is HE Who has subjected the sea (to you), that you may eat thereof fresh tender meat, and that you may extract out of it ornaments to wear. And you see the ships ploughing through it, that you may seek (thus) of the HIS bounty (by transporting the goods from place to place) and that you may be grateful". An-Nahl: 14


All the food that comes from the waters (fish or seafood) that have scales on them are halal.


The only way it would be haram, if the fish or seafood was dead in the water, than brought up to consume. Than it's haram. And if it had no scales (like for example an octopus, it's haram).


As for the chips....


Halal chips are potato-based foods that have been prepared in accordance with Islamic law. This means that they have been deep fried in non-pork fat oils such as sun flower oil. There are two types of chips that are normally halal. American chips are thin, crispy slices of potato that are deep-fried, flavored and sealed into packets to be eaten as a snack. British chips are wedges of potato that are deep-fried and combined with other foods such as fried fish or burgers.


Potatoes are, in themselves, innately halal. This means that they do not contravene Islamic law. Islamic law states in the Qur’an that blood, pork, alcohol and carrion cannot be consumed. It also states that meat products have to be prepared in a specific way.

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I''m guessing that halal meat 'tastes' exactly the same as any othe rmeat?


I remember the case where there were suppliers trading as halal, but it was found not to be. I assume it's more expensive to produce food the 'halal way', as it's presumably more time consuming.

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I am “guessing” that they will probably sell kebabs or something similar, and it will be the meat not the fish that is halal. (Fish does not have to be killed in the halal way like animals do) As for “knowing” that the meat is halal it is a matter of trusting the supplier/provider. There was an incident in the media not too long ago where a supplier had been supplying meat as halal and it was not halal.


Yes I assume they sell kebabs and other meat products. I was just puzzled by the great big sign above the shop proclaiming "Halal" :huh:


It's a big leap of faith to 'trust' suppliers in that way!

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Whatever will they come up with next halal fruit and veg, sweet shops, McDonalds the list can go on and on!


I can't say I've noticed a halal fruit and veg shop, but who knows eh?


As for McDonalds, doesn't there have to be at least an 'element' of meat in the burgers, for it to be classed as 'meat' for halal purposes!...:hihi::hihi:

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