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There's a halal fish and chip shop in Firth Park. How does that work?

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I don't want to show my ignorance (but probably will) I thought that all animals were slaughtered by exsanguination the only difference is that with halal they aren't stunned first? Do they squeeze even more of the red stuff out...?


As far as I understand it the majority of halal meat in the UK is pre-stunned, it's not a requirement for halal for it not to be pre stunned.


Here are the full requirements for halal labelling in the UK... http://www.food.gov.uk/multimedia/pdfs/enforcement/enfe10038.pdf


It looks like the only real difference is a Muslim needs to slit the throat while saying Bismillah Allahu Akbar. It also has to not be pork.

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What about battered sausages?


The only thing that annoys me with halal takeaways is the ones that claim to serve pork products, how does that work? Like the halal pizza places that serve ham & pepperoni pizzas, no mention about what the meat really is on the menu.

I even saw a Chinese restaurant website that claimed they were the only Chinese in South Yorkshire to use halal pork.


My Bold=

It is Turkey meat instead of real ham or pepperoni.

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As far as I understand it the majority of halal meat in the UK is pre-stunned, it's not a requirement for halal for it not to be pre stunned.


Here are the full requirements for halal labelling in the UK... http://www.food.gov.uk/multimedia/pdfs/enforcement/enfe10038.pdf


It looks like the only real difference is a Muslim needs to slit the throat while saying Bismillah Allahu Akbar. It also has to not be pork.


I've just read that..


It mentioned not cutting the spinal cord so as to allow convulsions which enable more blood to be drained..if an animal is stunned would it convulse?

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As far as I understand it the majority of halal meat in the UK is pre-stunned, it's not a requirement for halal for it not to be pre stunned.


That's quite true anywebsite, however there's a strong and influential body of Muslims who are campaigning against any change in the law which would prevent them having the option, personally I believe they should shut up and accept the method of pre-stunning which is being advocated by the Halal Food Authority, then everyone's happy and it reduces claims that western society is pandering to Muslims (although Kosher rules forbid any kind of pre-stunning whatosoever).

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My Bold=

It is Turkey meat instead of real ham or pepperoni.


I know, I think they also use beef in their pepperoni. It's never listed on the menu though, it's just some kind of mystery meat, you just know it isn't what it is being sold as. They just need to put a little note on their menus to say what their 'pork' products really contain, to avoid confusion.

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They haven't been allowed to call them crab sticks for 20 years, they're just seafood sticks now.


They might be on the packet and in supermarkets, but in independent corner shops I've still seen them described as 'crab sticks' at the point of sale, just as independent muslim owned pizza shops are economical with the truth in their trade descriptions ;)

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As far as I understand it the majority of halal meat in the UK is pre-stunned, it's not a requirement for halal for it not to be pre stunned.


Here are the full requirements for halal labelling in the UK... http://www.food.gov.uk/multimedia/pdfs/enforcement/enfe10038.pdf


It looks like the only real difference is a Muslim needs to slit the throat while saying Bismillah Allahu Akbar. It also has to not be pork.


No, there are a cartload of rules, withing Islam, around the treatment of the animal at, and around the time of slaughter. The animal must be treated kindly, and the slitting of the animals throat has to be one swift movement from left to right, severing both the blood vessels (The Carotid and Jugular) on either side of the neck.


It is important that the animal not be manhandled or traumatised, and that it is not slaughtered in front of the other animals in its herd,/ the other animals at the slaughterhouse.


Islamic Shariah (law) relating to slaughter of animals or poultry

Animal and birds should have preferably been raised in a natural environment.


Their feed should not contain animal-based products.


Animals and poultry at farms or lairages must be cared for properly.


They must be fed and watered before slaughter.


They must receive ante-mortem inspection so that only healthy animals are brought in for slaughter.


In the slaughterhouse animals must not be able to see other animals being slaughtered, nor must they have sight of blood. This requires cleaning the area before the next slaughter.


There must be no cruelty to animals or poultry at any time. The slaughter man must be a Muslim, who has been properly trained and licensed. (my bold)


All slaughtering must be carried out in a licensed slaughterhouse.


Places where pigs are slaughtered should be avoided.


The slaughter man must use a sharp knife (which must not be sharpened in front of the animal).


He must sever the jugular veins and carotid arteries as well as the oesophagus and trachea, but not the spinal cord as this restricts convulsion, which in turn restricts the pumping out of blood.


At the time of slaughter he must pronounce Bismillah Allahu Akbar (In the name of God, God is the Greatest) on each animal or bird.


At all times the meat and general hygiene regulations must be complied with.


Any carcasses found unfit on post mortem inspection must not be used for food for human consumption.

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