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There's a halal fish and chip shop in Firth Park. How does that work?

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I've just read that..


It mentioned not cutting the spinal cord so as to allow convulsions which enable more blood to be drained..if an animal is stunned would it convulse?


Well, if a chicken can run around for a while, without its head, I'm sure it is possible for the electrics in the cow/ sheep etc's nervous system to fire-off, and cause the animal to twitch/ jerk.

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They haven't been allowed to call them crab sticks for 20 years, they're just seafood sticks now.


The red dye on the outer bit is cochineal so whether they are called Crabstix or "Seafood Sticks" they are not halal.


I'm not certain whether the crab flavouring put into the white fish used in crab sticks is genuine crab, or just a synthetic "flavour". If it is real crab, then that would make it Haram, as well.


A friend of mine, donkey's years ago, used to make a lovely savoury rice with vegetables, and chopped crab sticks.

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As there is no meat in McDonalds burgers ,you cannot have Halal McDonalds. :hihi:


Actually, under Halal and Kosher laws, non-meat products such as bread and vegetables can be certified/ classified as Halal/ Kosher.


Veg is generally "Parve" or "neutral" under Kosher laws, and If you look at the packs of Matzos (crackers) made by Rakussens, they often have the Kosher Stamp or more importantly "Kosher for Passover" stamped on the packet.


To be halal, food cannot contain Alcohol, or pork/ pork-derived products, and if it contains meat, then that meat must be permissible meat (for example, beef, lamb, chicken) and that this meat must have been slaughtered according to Halal Law



Have Mucky-Donalds altered their policy in the years since this horrible revelation? Do they now cook their chips in vegetable oil? (not that I plan to eat at a Mucky-Dees any-time within the next millennium, anyway lol :gag: )


(that was nearly as much of a swiz as them describing their products as "edible" ;) lol)

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