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Definition of poverty?

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I don't get this, broadband.....isn;t this a must nowadays? i can't check emails at work and spend time on the net - so broadband is a part of my life, i'd say. Sky, I cannot get a tv reception at home so have Sky, and the tv, phone and BB come to around 20pound a month..... not really extravangant living is it....

I think you can call broadband a must when 100% of people have it and you'll probably die if you don't. Until that happens it's quite obvious that it may be desirable, but certainly isn't required. The same applies to tv.


If the cost of living came down then yes people earning 16k would benefit but, IMO the average you can live on is about 18-20k depending on how much your mortgage and such is....

The average you can live on with the lifestyle you are describing, but that's not the same as the amount you can live on full stop.


My friends earn in the region of 35k but after student loans, council tax and mortgage rates increasing even they don't have that much spare cash.

I think it's all down to what kind of standard of living you have, want and will settle for. If you don't mind living in a house or area that isn't that nice, then so be it, you may get problems from the kind of people who live in these areas though. And if you want to shop in second hands shops, so be it, but what is that all about? Never having anything new?? always scrimping and scraping; not my idea of 'living, this one precious life we've been given' when you've worked over 40 hours a week.......


Indeed, but you can't claim you can't live on 'x' amount when what you really mean is that you can't live the lifestyle you want on 'x'.

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It should be impossible to be in poverty in this country due to the welfare state and various organisations that look after people who have fallen on very hard times and have no money left. The main reason a person would have no money on a day to day basis would be because it had been squandered on something unneccessary like drink or drugs.


A person who cannot afford to buy the most basic of cheap food or accomodation is in poverty, anyone over that is just poor but not in poverty.

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  • 2 years later...

I'm looking at returning to the workplace after a number of years (25 years) out of work, however looking at the cost of rent & taxes, I'm going to be worse off.


I can't see the point of going to work to be worse off, and to not afford holidays, decent cars etc.... so how much do we need to earn to be better off in work?

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I can't see the point of going to work to be worse off, and to not afford holidays, decent cars etc.... so how much do we need to earn to be better off in work?


Have to admit, it is that kind of attitude which has landed us in the situation we're in (people taking from the pot without contributing). If you're genuinely off work for a reason then ok but if you won't work because "you don't see the point" then you need to be forced to work or have benefits stopped.

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I'm looking at returning to the workplace after a number of years (25 years) out of work, however looking at the cost of rent & taxes, I'm going to be worse off.


I can't see the point of going to work to be worse off, and to not afford holidays, decent cars etc.... so how much do we need to earn to be better off in work?




I gave up work a couple of years back to spend time with my kids


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