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Who was the best school teacher in Sheffield?


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In your opinion who was the best school teacher?


I nominate John Roe - Carter Lodge School


'Boris' was 'ace':thumbsup:

The best teacher I ever had was a lady called Miss Barnes(Denise) and she was a teacher at Woodbourne Middle school during the 70s. At that time she lived on Firshill Road Sheffield 4. If anyone knows who she is, and where she lives now please pm me. I would love to get in touch with her.:):thumbsup:

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My favourite teachers were at my junior school (Abbeydale Middle), the frst is Mr. Lickorish, he was a great teacher who demanded respect from us all, he had his 'slaves' (usually the pupils he trusted to behave) i did the tuck shop duty!, they would do odd jobs like fetching the register, going to the tuck shop for him etc. but anyone caught misbehaving would get 'THE SLIPPER', (one of his old trainers which looked about a size 14 back then!) across the backside, boy did that make us all behave! :P


The second was Mr. Potts, what a great teacher he was, much the same as old licko stick lol, but if we did anything wrong we knew about it, he would turn on the old Pottsy stare where his eyes almost popped out their sockets, he would do this for until you were reduced to tears, it would turn the toughest kids into quivering wrecks, luckily i was a good girl ;)

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