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Who was the best school teacher in Sheffield?


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Its strange that so few ex-city grammarians seem to post on here


I have noticed that too. I do remember Mrs. Chester-Jones but not as clearly as you do.


I was at City Grammar from the late fifties into the early sixties.

Mr. Harvatt was the Headmaster then.

Some of the teachers I recall are Mr. MacPherson, Miss Thorold, Mr. Parsons,

Mr. Hum & Mr. Fuller.


There is an alumni website called Omnes Amici, with photos etc.

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  • 1 year later...

As a student of Woodhouse Grammar School from 1953 until 1961, I was lucky enough to come under the tutelage of Harry Beynon, senior master and doyen of the History Department. Harry could be fearsome at times but at heart was the most warm and committed teacher I ever came across. He had a grand voice leading the school in rehearsals for the Spech Day Introit, tones mellowed by his beloved Senior Service cigarettes (could have been Players), whose aroma stays with me to this day. Tweed jackets were his uniform, and I believe he was a senior member of the Dore & Totley Golf Club for many years, living to a ripe old age. He was a lovely approachable man, quite a contrast to The 'Beak' headmaster F.B.Pinion, a cold fish if ever there was one. Woodhouse Grammar was a great institution, whose tennis team I am proud to say I led undefeated in the 1960-61 seasons (King Edward's refused to play us.....chicken!!!!)

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I remember Mr. Beynon, met him several times when I went into WGS with my Dad (often when Dad was taking play rehearsals). Harry was smallish as I recall, and yes, I remember the trademark tweed jackets. he was always pleasant to this little boy, as was a larger man called Mr. Barker, who for some reason was called "Bink" by everybody. As for Pinion, my Dad did not seem to have much to do with him, though I remember him grumbling about him at home.


Perhaps my dad taught you too? He was John Atherton, known as Jack (although I think the pupils called him Charlie behind his back) and was Head Of English. He left WGS in 1962 to take a deputy headship at Coalville Grammar School, then became a headmaster in Burton on Trent. He passed away in 2004 aged 86.

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I have noticed that too. I do remember Mrs. Chester-Jones but not as clearly as you do.


I was at City Grammar from the late fifties into the early sixties.

Mr. Harvatt was the Headmaster then.

Some of the teachers I recall are Mr. MacPherson, Miss Thorold, Mr. Parsons,

Mr. Hum & Mr. Fuller.


There is an alumni website called Omnes Amici, with photos etc.


I too was there when Mr Harvatt was head, I remember Mr Hum, we used to call him Buzz, was mr Parsons the English teacher? We must have been there at the same time. I am in the pictures on Omnes Amici.

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