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Who was the best school teacher in Sheffield?


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Jack Todhunter (Mr T/Sir) who was my English teacher from year 9 (Year 3 high school) through six form. He taught me at Aston Comprehensive school where he nearly got the sack for the Infamous Mrs Throggs' yearbook thanks to Gestapo Lowe. I don't know anyone who didn't like him. We knew how far we could push him and what would make him laugh.

Every lesson he'd show us something that wasn't necessarily to do with set texts or anything he'd been asked to teach. If he read an article in the paper and found it interesting, he'd have photocopied it by 9' oclock and brought it in, just because he could. He treated you as an individual and sought to inspire each and every one of us by whatever we were interested in - even if he wasn't. He fuelled my love of etymology and never dumbed down the power of contemporary writing against the classics.

I'll never forget him spending a good twenty minutes driving one lad mental by telling him he could "lend a pen to anyone he wanted" "yeah but Sir I NEED to lend a pen" "well lend it him" "yeah but sir I need to lend a pen."

Full of respect for him and every day I aim to inspire the children I teach as much as he inspired me. He even gave me pep talks as an adult when i started working in education. He still teaches at Newman school in Rotherham and is involved in many a little project on the side with the author Steve Alton.

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I don't know about best etacher, but I can nominate a few for worst. Jed Pearson at St Pete's anyone?


I remember him, Boys PE and Geography wasn't he.


Us poor girls had to put up with Miss Reak for games and English, anyone remember her

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I went to Hinde House from 1997 to 2002 and I really cant think of any best teacher. Well apart from Mr Jameson (PE), Mr Rawson(DH) and Mrs Robson(DH) they helped sort myself out and get through my GCSE's.


Cant say much for Sarah Draper how I wish Mr Elliot had stayed.

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New to this, I think it was cycle racer who quoted Mr Osborne, ( Rick ) from Hinde House. Top english teacher and bloke. Right about the outdoor man. He found out I went caving in one of my essays and invited himself and Mr Goldstraw, ( girls do not go weak at the knees ) along. When he moved from his flat to a shared house with his family, myself and another pupil who also was in the same caving club helped him decorate. I remember his mini van, roll ups, shortness in stature and hairy face. Would love to see him again.

This was around 1969. I only attended for a year, left at fifteen to earn some dosh to pay for the caving hobby. Did I mention the Odin Caving Club, anybody out there a former member.

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Mrs Wadsworth was a great head teacher at Pipworth Junior school and Miss Wood our class teacher was a brilliant drama teacher. She was lovely and good fun.


Waltheof i liked Mr Booth who taught Biology and Mr Wilson who taught English.

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  • 2 weeks later...

IMO the best..

Ross Crowe....

Tony Boreham....Science

Mrs. Sellars....Drama

Eddie? Fogg....Humanities/Geology

Dave Seal....English

Anne Radford...German

Phil Crane....Maths .....all Chaucer in the nineties.



And nominees IMO for the worst teacher/s....

Graham Wells...Science at Chaucer

Bill? Raine?..(Is insane)...Music...Chaucer

Gerry Richardson...PE...Chaucer


Dave Croll....Maths....Parson Cross College

Pete Kennedy....Biology..Parson Cross College

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