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Who was the best school teacher in Sheffield?


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Mr Beaumont (maths), Mrs Dugdale (english) and Mr Dimelow (science) were all excellent teachers at Norfolk School in the 80s.


Mr Dimelow did go on to Tapton and is still there, telling his stories, his classroom is opposite my prep room.


Mr Beaumont also went to Tapton and has retired in the last year.

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Roux Other teachers at Waltheof were Miss Sarson head of girls Mr Marshall head of boys Pop (Mr Popalswaith) head teacher Mr Cooper Mr Winters french Mr Batty science I.P.Smith and Mr Carter art. Miss Becket Mr Edwards music Mr Blaby german. Can not remember many more at the moment


BobsGirl .. Yes I believe John Rawson did become head of Hind House


Sorry for the delay in answering probs. with internet!

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Mrs Ashton - my class teacher at Burngreave was Dave Tucker (now a big noise in the NUT) and I was the pupil from Hell until he went off for an operation and Mrs Ashton came in and I was an absolute angel by the time Mr Tucker came back. She even got me the job of going round every Friday for the four years I was there, and tapping all the teachers up for their coffee money, to give me some sense of responsibility. Mr Tucker was gobsmacked, and that's no exaggeration as he used to make me bend over and touch my toes just like the boys! I ran into her years later when I was in a swimming club and she was there with her daughters. My other fave would be Mr McKay, while we were all scared of Mr Galbraith (now head at Hucklow) who kept a slipper on a hook at the front of his class and we all hated Mrs Clements who was the other 1st year teacher when I was the child from Hell and when I got to the fourth year and was in her class, she never let me live it down and I went backwards briefly. She also read us Adrian Mole but would never read the rude bits about Pandora's chest LOL!



At Hinde House it would have to be Miss Aitken in English; unfortunately she was seconded for a year and we had Mrs Robshaw and I still say she destroyed my chances of an A in my GCSE English.


One of my classmates had a HUGE crush on Mr Thompson in Geography and all the girls loved Mr Joy who apparently fetched up later at High Storrs, as did old Mr Wood with the glass eye (as opposed to young Mr Wood who took PE) and both taught one of my colleagues!


Is the John Rawson previously mentioned the same John Rawson who was the Head of Hinde House Lower School while I was there? Graham Elliott was a fantastic Head, btw.




Ill have to agree, Mr Joy was without a doubt one of, if not the best, teacher i ever had.

He used to confiscate our sweets and chomp 'em in front of us :hihi: . He'd probably get done for stealing now, in this mad P.C. world

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How about Miss pitt of hinde house school (1971-1975) she certenly had big eeerm:D she was only 4ft nowt bit like dolly parton but younger and strait blond hair (you can tell she did'nt teach english) lovly teacher of french i could'nt keep my eye's off of her :hihi:

I have lovly memories of her running down the corridor's to her lesson's, youth it's wasted on the kid's init?



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