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Difficulty finding jobs in Sheffield

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Hello, I'm pretty new to the Sheffield forum and would like to ask your help. I am a 19 year old male from parson cross and I'm struggling to find employment. I have had jobs in the past and in all honesty I had a shoddy work ethic, but after recently doing some growing up, I need a job to get on with the rest of my life. Unfortunately, due to a lack of qualifications and poor work history I am having a hard time of it, I've tried everything, Jobcentre are useless, A4E are a joke and websites are failing me. I am asking for any employers on this site or anyone that knows of any employers or jobs going to help me. I haven't been a perfect employee in the past and as an employer you have every right to reject an application from me but I just need a chance to prove myself now. I'm willing to do most anything and will undertake any training or courses needed to gain employment. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope someone can give me a second chance in the world of the working man. :)

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Sign up with a few agencies. Their temporary jobs can often lead to something more permanent. When I've been a loose end in the past, I simply sign up with one of them. They could send you pretty much doing anything anywhere, but if you're serious about working it won't matter, it's demonstrating that you can be reliable, and willing to do anything....Also, being unemployed, you can still get education for free at night school!

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Hi, I'm not an employer but just wanted to say don't give up! I was like you when I was 19 and was out of work for 7mths as struggled to find someone to give me that brake but finally got my chance and now 11yrs on I'm earning more than I imagined I would and have never been out of employment, even when I was made redundant back in 2007.


Keep sending your CV out, get Sheffield Star when job section is in (Thurs I think), keep checking Job Centre website or go in the local branch, sign up to as many agencies and take on as much training/part time work you can while you find something full time. Most of all keep your head up :)


Hope you get sorted soon.

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Hi, I'm not an employer but just wanted to say don't give up! I was like you when I was 19 and was out of work for 7mths as struggled to find someone to give me that brake but finally got my chance and now 11yrs on I'm earning more than I imagined I would and have never been out of employment, even when I was made redundant back in 2007.


Keep sending your CV out, get Sheffield Star when job section is in (Thurs I think), keep checking Job Centre website or go in the local branch, sign up to as many agencies and take on as much training/part time work you can while you find something full time. Most of all keep your head up :)


Hope you get sorted soon.


My Bold:


The problem is, his CV isn't going to be too impressive just yet. But definitely go for the agencies. He just needs to be doing something...Even pushing trolleys in Tesco's or wherever (I even did that once for about 3 weeks).

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I would agree with the Agency suggestions. Register with as many as you can. My other half did this when the job he was in folded......he was sent to an Aviation company and worked in stores. 3 months ago,after 12 years with them, he became a department manager.

I know my post isn't as helpful in practical terms like the others but just wanted to say, don't lose hope, keep trying and the very best of luck.......:thumbsup:

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