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Who buys $900 shoes??

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Most are made by underpayed workers


The designers are just clever, they promote them in away to instil fear in to kids and make them think they need the latest gear to be accepted at school but it seems adults get caught up in the hype too

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If people want to spend silly money on shoes so be it. Much like butting an expensive car vs a ford or a 5 bedroom house when a 2 bed would do.


It's all excessive consumerism. Spending so much on luxury stuff when people are starving just send wrong to me.

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A better question would be "Who makes $900 shoes". They are the ones to be jealous of.


I'm just glad that folks do buy things like that. Expensive shoes, furniture and foodstuffs are generally made by highly skilled people. It is good to see them getting rewarded.


Most clothes and shoes etc are all made in the same sweat shops for about fifty pence.


the only difference between the £500 jeans and the £15 jeans is that the sweatshop workers sewed a Gucci or Prada label in the £500 pair, and a Primark label in the £15 pair. The workers are all paid the same subsistence wages.


Who buys $900 shoes? Well, IMO those with more money than sense...


I am convinced I could find something more useful to spend the money on.

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Most clothes and shoes etc are all made in the same sweat shops for about fifty pence.


the only difference between the £500 jeans and the £15 jeans is that the sweatshop workers sewed a Gucci or Prada label in the £500 pair, and a Primark label in the £15 pair. The workers are all paid the same subsistence wages.


Who buys $900 shoes? Well, IMO those with more money than sense...


I am convinced I could find something more useful to spend the money on.


I'm not sure that you are right, at the $900 end of the trade.


I'm pretty sure that you could knock out a £200 pair of shoes in a sweatshop. If I was paying $900, I'd be wanting something pretty special.


Which was the point that I was making.


There is nothing wrong with paying a craftsman a good wage for doing a good job (or an exceptional wage, for an exceptional job). These days, we all seem to be obsessed with cheap, cheap, cheap. If we were prepared to pay more for good stuff, then maybe the sweatshops would recede and we'd get quality goods, but to get them, we'd need to pay a quality price.


I might just picket Primark tomorrow:D

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