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Should kids be taught to speak properly?

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How is this evolution?...


"Naa theyan, dick ed. Just gannin down t'porst office. tek thaz fingers out o't nooaz, alreet? Reeto. Am off naa. See thi layater bastad".


Sounds rather regressive to me.


And some of you jokers have had the gall to criticize the way the Yanks speak? :D

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In my place of abode, it's treat.



It'd have to be 'treated' ... past tense and all that. If you're going to criticise dialect, at least get it right. I'm not even from Yorkshire and I know that. Tret and selt are the past tense of treat and sell, surely?


Just saying ... :)

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  • 1 month later...
When I moved to Sheffield ten years ago I had trouble understanding some of the slacker jawed yokels born and bred in and around the city.


I soon realised it wasn't their fault they couldn't speak properly, it was their parents' and their schools', assuming the parents and teachers also spoke like simpletons, which they likely did.


I discovered that children from around these parts were making the same indiscernible farmyard animal noises as the adults.


Isn't it about time we grew up and taught our kids to speak properly?


Basic examples


Say "take" instead of "tek"


Say "now then" (or even better - "greetings") instead of "naa theyan"


Say "what are you doing?" instead of "what's tha doin?"


Say "no" instead of "noorrrrrrr"


It's not difficult, yet we raise these poor, lost souls to sound like imbeciles.


So you're saying that local dialects should be stamped out in case someone like you struggles to understand them?

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It's gannin that way, I tell thee.


Even the woman reading the automated message when you ring the council tax office has a broad Yorkshire accent. Why don't they just go the whole hog...


"Naaa theyan dick ed, welcome to t'council tax office. To pay thas bill, press wun. For all t'other enquiries, please hoald. Bastad."


If you think the Sheffield accent is bad, then you need an education and pop down to Lower Gornal in the Black Country (Midlands). Try understanding 'anything' they say! Sheffield is the Queens English by comparison.

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When I moved to Sheffield ten years ago I had trouble understanding some of the slacker jawed yokels born and bred in and around the city.


I soon realised it wasn't their fault they couldn't speak properly, it was their parents' and their schools', assuming the parents and teachers also spoke like simpletons, which they likely did.


I discovered that children from around these parts were making the same indiscernible farmyard animal noises as the adults.


Isn't it about time we grew up and taught our kids to speak properly?


Basic examples


Say "take" instead of "tek"


Say "now then" (or even better - "greetings") instead of "naa theyan"


Say "what are you doing?" instead of "what's tha doin?"


Say "no" instead of "noorrrrrrr"


It's not difficult, yet we raise these poor, lost souls to sound like imbeciles.


Please remember you are in YORKSHIRE, this is not Richmond in Surrey, you know so gi orr avvin a go.

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