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Chancellor Osborne tells Lib Dems where to go with their 'mansion tax'!

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Good news - there's no need for another envy tax.



But wasn't it only going to apply to properties valued at £2M, surely these people can afford to pay a bit more in these straitened times. Most of these houses will be in the south east and many will belong to the bankers who caused the credit crunch in the first place, maybe the Lib Dems should try to get Gideon to launch a Bankers tax instead?

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How would that work in practice?


Lets suggest that any land that wasnt being used by agricultural means, or rent out/being developed, but had been sat empty for a long period of time (and any other criteria deemed) would have to pay a percentage of the land value as tax.


I think the Dutch did this with empty properties some years ago, and in a short space of time the shortage & cost of housing issues were solved.


Landowners & corporates can therefore pay their dues as you cant hide land. Its fairer than mansion taxes, which in the north seems fair, but in the south east sounds ridiculous when many middle class pensioners could get caught up in this bracket.

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Good news - there's no need for another envy tax.


There is a need for an "I don't care how good your accountant is, you are still going to pay your fair share" tax.

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Gideon seems to be under the delusion that most homes in Britain are worth over £2million.


"It would be sold as a mansion tax, but once the tax inspector has been let in the door, we would soon find most homes in the country incur a mansion tax.


"It's not a mansion tax but a homes tax, and this party of homeowners will have no truck with it."


Which just shows how completely out of touch he is.

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There is a need for an "I don't care how good your accountant is, you are still going to pay your fair share" tax.


aka as the "You've got more than me that's not fair it can't possibly be my fault that's the case so I'll whine like a brat tax"

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