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Indian restaurants, are Halal slaughtered animals always stunned ?

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Pigs (quite intelligent creatures) are more difficult to kill in an humane manner. If you really want to be humane, then no pig heading for slaughter must know what's going on.


So no pig must see another die (that's standard 'humane' rule for all animal slaughter) but with pigs, no pig must have any idea that (S)he - or a buddy - is going to die.


This I never knew. Is this to do with the belief that they are intelligent do you know?

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Oh dear.

I`m a big fan of Indian food and we go to Indians all over the UK.

The problem is it`s been pointed out to me that meat served at Indian restaurants is Halal. As far as I understand it, please correct me if I`m wrong, the animal is strung up whilst still alive then has its neck cut to drain out all the blood till it dies.

Now I thought by law the animal had to be stunned first and if that`s the case I could cope with it and continue to visit Indian restaurants. But if it isn`t the case.......


So two questions.


1 Is all meat served at Indian restaurants Halal ?


2 Are all Halal slaughtered animals stunned first ?



not all restaurants are halal not all indians are muslim but if they are muslim then the meat they sell/touch must be halal according to the quoran


(if your on fb then look here as they are more informative on the legalities and what is done exactly http://www.facebook.com/BOYCOTTxHALAL?ref=ts&fref=ts )



for an animal to be classed as halal it must be conscious to receive the pray. so any animal to be killed in this ritual is fully aware of whats happening (unstuned)

in addition any place that sells halal/kosher to the general public is breacking the law as the only way halal and kosher are exempt from current laws is for muslims and jews ONLY, and not for the general public. ie asda morisons or your local take away are NOT allowed to sell you halal/kosher slaughtered animals

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for an animal to be classed as halal it must be conscious to receive the pray. so any animal to be killed in this ritual is fully aware of whats happening (unstuned)


Untrue, see point 4 in this guide from the Halal Food Authority:


Q 3. Does Halal Food Authority allow stunning of birds and animals?


A. Yes, however, one has to be reminded that HFA has always maintained "no stunning to kill".

1. Captive Bolt Stunning – proscribed – prohibited

2. Percussion Stunning – proscribed – prohibited

(although above procedures for cattle are allowed by some Ulema's in Africa & Germany)

3. Gas Stunning – proscribed – prohibited

(although Turkish Ulema's have approved this method for pre-slaughtering of chicken)

4. Halal Food Authority allows controlled electric stun-with-minuscule amperage, where the Official Veterinary Surgeon validates that animals or birds do not die prior to slaughtering.

5. There are two types of electric stunning

a. Stun to Kill

b. Stun to Immobilize only (and not to kill)

Halal Food Authority only allows and approves of “Stun to Immobilize” method. It is used in the following two forms:

i. Water-bath Stun – for Poultry

ii. Electric Tong Stun – for Ovine meat




in addition any place that sells halal/kosher to the general public is breacking the law as the only way halal and kosher are exempt from current laws is for muslims and jews ONLY, and not for the general public. ie asda morisons or your local take away are NOT allowed to sell you halal/kosher slaughtered animals


Oh so do Jews & Muslims produce an identity card when they do their weekly meat shopping?

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Why are you using the word Barbarism? Is it just to be inflammatory, considering the facts that have been established to the contrary, in this and previous threads about halal?


As Boyfriday asked another member, earlier, "Are you vegetarian or vegan?" and if not, how are the animals you eat slaughtered?


Are the animals any less slaughtered using the methods in the slaughter houses used by your butcher?


Do you consider it to be humane to slaughter in the "western" manner, where terrified, hungry and thirsty animals, raised in cages and pens, are dragged for miles, in crowded trucks, covered in their own (and other animals') filth, to be manhandled and abused by the slaughtermen, watching their herdmates being dispatched as if on a conveyor belt. Or should we use the rules laid down in Halal, where the animal who is to be slaughtered is to be rested, fed and watered, kept in a mnatural environment, treated gently and humanely, taken away from the herd to be slaughtered, and killed professionally, with one slash across the whole of the throat, so that the animal loses consciousness speedily?


I know how I would want the meat on my plate to have been treated, and it's certainly not the manner in which conventional UK slaughterhouses do it!



From the report linked by BF:


"In June 2003, the Government's independent advisory body, the Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC) published its report on the 'Welfare of Farmed Animals at Slaughter or Killing - Part 1: Red Meat Animals'.


The FAWC concluded that the level of restraint required to expose the throat, perfrom an effective cut and hold the animal still until it had bled out was far greater than needed for conventional slaughter.


With regard to the potential for pain and distress...the FAWC came to the view that when a large transverse incision is made across the neck a number of vital tissues are transected including: skin, muscle, trachea, oesophagus, carotid arteries, jugular veins, major nerve trunks, plus numerous minor nerves. They concluded that such a drastic cut would inevitably trigger a barrage of sensory information to the brain in a sensible (conscious) animal. FAWC stated that : "we are persuaded that such a massive injury would result in very significant pain and distress in the period befiore insensibility supervenes".


...FAWC considered the available evidence and concluded that sheep became insensible within 5 to 7 seconds of the cut, and adult cattle between 22 and 40 seconds. FAWC cited work on calves which had shown a variation in the period to insensibility from 10 to 120 seconds."


Their recommendations included the statement that: "...slaughter without pre-stunning is unaceptable".


There are shortfalls in most methods of handling and slaughtering livestock, but slaughter without pre-stunning is inherently and demonstrably cruel.

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Of the Indians we`ve been into very few seem to be run or employ Indians, virtually all of them are run by/employ Pakistanis or Bangladeshis. One interesting exception to this was the "Indian" we ate at in Lerwick (Shetland), that was owned and run by Nepalese !


How do you distinguish between the Indians and others,or do you ask restauranteurs which they employ?I understood they all were Indian before the 1947 partition.


We sometimes chat to our hosts and are happy to talk about their, and their staff`s backgrounds, this is what they tell us.

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2 For an animal to be classed as halal it must be conscious to receive the pray. so any animal to be killed in this ritual is fully aware of whats happening (unstunned), in addition any place that sells halal/kosher to the general public is breaking the law as the only way halal and kosher are exempt from current laws is for Muslims and Jews ONLY, and not for the general public, i.e. Morrison's or your local take away are NOT allowed to sell you halal/kosher slaughtered animals


Is this true ? ! ?

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