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Indian restaurants, are Halal slaughtered animals always stunned ?

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You know no matter how we kill the animal to eat it, it will still suffer whether it be a bolt through the head or its neck being slit.


Million dollar question: if you care so much about causing NO suffering to an animal, then why do you eat meat?


Sometimes that initial bolt doesn't send them unconscious and so they have to try again leaving the animal to suffer, this is suffering just as much as if a successful cut was not made along the neck to kill it almost instantly.

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The Halal method of slaughter is barbaric, even McDonalds refuse to introduce Halal meat to their menu.


Go on Youtube and search Halal slaughter and see for yourself.


Now I didn't care about eating Halal meat a while ago, as far as I used to know, all they did was say a prayer, which I couldn't care less about, I had no issues eating it. But after realising the unecessary suffering these animals go through, i find it frankly unethical to eat.


Well I've really good news for you, if you're not troubled by your meat having had some mumbo jumbo ranted over it prior to slaughter then you'll pleased to know that the halal meat you're likely to eat has been pre-stunned just as conventional meat is.


In fact some might argue that the method of pre stunning halal meat is MORE humane since they use a light electric current rather than a metal bolt which penetrates the skull. Halal animals also avoid the stress of witnessing their cohorts being slaughtered, this isn't the case in conventional slaughter methods.


This report from the RSPCA (that's what I was suggesting you should read) confirms the % of different types of ritually slaughtered animals which are pre-stunned, you might be surprised by the numbers.



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Well I've really good news for you, if you're not troubled by your meat having had some mumbo jumbo ranted over it prior to slaughter then you'll pleased to know that the halal meat you're likely to eat has been pre-stunned just as conventional meat is.


In fact some might argue that the method of pre stunning halal meat is MORE humane since they use a light electric current rather than a metal bolt which penetrates the skull. Halal animals also avoid the stress of witnessing their cohorts being slaughtered, this isn't the case in conventional slaughter methods.


This report from the RSPCA (that's what I was suggesting you should read) confirms the % of different types of ritually slaughtered animals which are pre-stunned, you might be surprised by the numbers.




Pleased to hear that most animals ARE stunned before slaughter, still think stunning should be mandatory.


Our method of killing animals can also be very cruel, I think somebody posted on here once about how the captive bolt method of stunning, sometimes the bolt does not hit the animal in the right place resulting in an extremely painful and traumatic death for the beast.

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But there are no (additional) welfare concerns if the meat is pre-stunned as it is in conventional slaughter methods and KFC outlets that sell halal meat. The label is most likely there to inform their Muslim customers, many of whom will be able to read arabic.


Not all agree that it is 'proper' halal-



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Well I've really good news for you, if you're not troubled by your meat having had some mumbo jumbo ranted over it prior to slaughter then you'll pleased to know that the halal meat you're likely to eat has been pre-stunned just as conventional meat is.






Pigs (hardly Halal or Kosher ;)) are pretty smart animals. They do seem to know what's going on.


Carbon Dioxide stunning works for batches of pigs - painless and they don't see it coming.


If you want organic pork you can't use CO2 stunnning - so organic pork has not been treated in the same humane way that inorganic pork (which, presumably, is pork made out of silicates, metals and other inorganic substances) has been treated.


Organic Pork? - Not on my plate.

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Pigs (hardly Halal or Kosher ;)) are pretty smart animals. They do seem to know what's going on.


Carbon Dioxide stunning works for batches of pigs - painless and they don't see it coming.


If you want organic pork you can't use CO2 stunnning - so organic pork has not been treated in the same humane way that inorganic pork (which, presumably, is pork made out of silicates, metals and other inorganic substances) has been treated.


Organic Pork? - Not on my plate.


Haha, you couldn't make it up could you!

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Pleased to hear that most animals ARE stunned before slaughter, still think stunning should be mandatory.


Our method of killing animals can also be very cruel, I think somebody posted on here once about how the captive bolt method of stunning, sometimes the bolt does not hit the animal in the right place resulting in an extremely painful and traumatic death for the beast.


I fail to see how we can condone a method of slaughter because only SOME are killed that way. That's rather like saying we will allow a bit of fox hunting or hare coursing. It's either right or wrong. To me BFs post is the worst of all worlds. It indicates that the barbarism is optional, and halal allows the pre stunning as required by our animal cruelty laws.

If there is no requirement for this stupid concession it should be eliminated in the same way that it was banned in the Netherlands and will probably be banned in France shortly.

The fact that halal meat is being forced down the throats of consumers who have no interest or desire to eat halal meat simply increases the number of animals killed using inhumane methods. We should stamp it out altogether.

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I fail to see how we can condone a method of slaughter because only SOME are killed that way. That's rather like saying we will allow a bit of fox hunting or hare coursing. It's either right or wrong. To me BFs post is the worst of all worlds. It indicates that the barbarism is optional, and halal allows the pre stunning as required by our animal cruelty laws.


Sorry but you've lost me. I support the pre-stunning of ALL meat, and have said many times here that I don't support the position of those Muslims who are unable to eat pre-stunned meat.


So unless you're a vegetarian I've no idea what it is in my contributions that you're taking exception with.

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