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Indian restaurants, are Halal slaughtered animals always stunned ?

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yes i have heard about it especially the muslim community has made this rule and they before eating do halal of animals i think thats cruelty as making the animal die with lot of pains its against the humanity


You haven't really given this a lot of thought, have you?

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They don't stun animals , they just slit their throat


Is that right pt


I have rushed reading thread, i know what your on about


Now, you are trolling. You have seen the points I made earlier in the thread about what must be done, under Halal laws to ensure the minimising of any suffering.

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Now, you are trolling. You have seen the points I made earlier in the thread about what must be done, under Halal laws to ensure the minimising of any suffering.


I am not trolling, PT


I don't know how they gonna report something like this

But I am not a troll

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I fail to see how we can condone a method of slaughter because only SOME are killed that way. That's rather like saying we will allow a bit of fox hunting or hare coursing. It's either right or wrong. To me BFs post is the worst of all worlds. It indicates that the barbarism is optional, and halal allows the pre stunning as required by our animal cruelty laws.

If there is no requirement for this stupid concession it should be eliminated in the same way that it was banned in the Netherlands and will probably be banned in France shortly.

The fact that halal meat is being forced down the throats of consumers who have no interest or desire to eat halal meat simply increases the number of animals killed using inhumane methods. We should stamp it out altogether.


:huh:I haven't condoned it in any way whatsoever, I said if halal slaughter is to be allowed in this country then stunning should be mandatory.

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It too should only be allowed if preceded by stunning.


As far as I understand it meat can't be pre-stunned & Kosher. Jews seem stricter on this than Muslims.


It looks like the government are (were?) considering mandatory labelling for meat that isn't pre-stunned. That seems to be a better option than an outright ban, people would know what they were buying & could choose not to buy meat that hadn't been stunned. It'd also mean some religious people who disagree with pre-stunning could get what they want too.

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:huh:I haven't condoned it in any way whatsoever, I said if halal slaughter is to be allowed in this country then stunning should be mandatory.


Then we agree. I see no reason why the rules should be waived for any group. It seems most are perfectly content with the rules. We should tighten up and stamp out halal produced by any method that doesn't conform to our normal required standards.

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As far as I understand it meat can't be pre-stunned & Kosher. Jews seem stricter on this than Muslims.


It looks like the government are (were?) considering mandatory labelling for meat that isn't pre-stunned. That seems to be a better option than an outright ban, people would know what they were buying & could choose not to buy meat that hadn't been stunned. It'd also mean some religious people who disagree with pre-stunning could get what they want too.


But that wouldn't prevent halal being forced on our schools etc because its the easy option. If halal meat cannot be produced by the same humane methods required by other producers it should be banned in the UK.

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