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Indian restaurants, are Halal slaughtered animals always stunned ?

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Did you read the article lil-minx? It isn't advocating one view over another and as I've said previously I support the pre-stunning view in any event.


no I just read your quote which peddles the usual hard to believe line that getting your throat slit isnt that bad!

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no I just read your quote which peddles the usual hard to believe line that getting your throat slit isnt that bad!


I don't think it's peddling that at all, I think it's peddling the line that it's no worse than having a 4 inch metal bolt fired through your skull into your brain!


It's also the first time a comment from a religious slaughterman has been posted on this thread, which is why I posted the link.

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Its easy to dig out articles that back either view-



It is and at the end of it all we have to judge for ourselves what we believe to be the best or cleanest or less painful for the animal to endure. None of us can no for sure either way, it's more a case of which one we are more willing to accept and slitting the throat, to most westerners appears to be the more painful probably because it's viewed as an attack rather than a method of painlessly ending a life.

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I don't think it's peddling that at all, I think it's peddling the line that it's no worse than having a 4 inch metal bolt fired through your skull into your brain!


It's also the first time a comment from a religious slaughterman has been posted on this thread, which is why I posted the link.


Probably not a wholly impartial view, nor a man trained in medcine or vetinary science

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Probably not a wholly impartial view, nor a man trained in medcine or vetinary science


No one suggested he is, but it's a view previously unexplored on this thread. I'm not really sure someone trained in medicine or veterinary science is any better qualified to comment since they can't talk to the animals.

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I didn't grow up in a commercial abbattoir - I grew up in a place where we had foodstuff (we were going to eat them) animals.


My dad taught me how to 'make chickens go to sleep' before we (or he, or I) cut their heads off. - I could take a chicken's head off with an axe in about half a second - hardly a drawn-out death, but if you can make the chicken 'go to sleep' (painlessly) first, it makes life so much easier ... 'running around like a chicken with its head cut off' is more than a phrase or saying ... and the other chickens don't need to see that.


Pigs (quite intelligent creatures) are more difficult to kill in an humane manner. If you really want to be humane, then no pig heading for slaughter must know what's going on.


So no pig must see another die (that's standard 'humane' rule for all animal slaughter) but with pigs, no pig must have any idea that (S)he - or a buddy - is going to die.


I've been in abattoirs where CO2 stunning is used, and that does seem to work. It's a humane way of stunning pigs. It is not allowed where the pork is going to be sold as 'organic' pork. I will not eat organic pork, because it is killed in an inhumane manner.


It's all very well making a fuss about halal or kosher (neither of whom kill pigs!) slaughterers, but let he who is without sin cast the first stone.


I've seen machines which kill poultry. Sometimes they do a good job - sometimes they don't and the still-living animal is plucked.


When I kill poultry, it's dead long before anybody starts pulling the feathers out.

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I didn't grow up in a commercial abbattoir - I grew up in a place where we had foodstuff (we were going to eat them) animals.


My dad taught me how to 'make chickens go to sleep' before we (or he, or I) cut their heads off. - I could take a chicken's head off with an axe in about half a second - hardly a drawn-out death, but if you can make the chicken 'go to sleep' (painlessly) first, it makes life so much easier ... 'running around like a chicken with its head cut off' is more than a phrase or saying ... and the other chickens don't need to see that.


Pigs (quite intelligent creatures) are more difficult to kill in an humane manner. If you really want to be humane, then no pig heading for slaughter must know what's going on.


So no pig must see another die (that's standard 'humane' rule for all animal slaughter) but with pigs, no pig must have any idea that (S)he - or a buddy - is going to die.


I've been in abattoirs where CO2 stunning is used, and that does seem to work. It's a humane way of stunning pigs. It is not allowed where the pork is going to be sold as 'organic' pork. I will not eat organic pork, because it is killed in an inhumane manner.


It's all very well making a fuss about halal or kosher (neither of whom kill pigs!) slaughterers, but let he who is without sin cast the first stone.


I've seen machines which kill poultry. Sometimes they do a good job - sometimes they don't and the still-living animal is plucked.


When I kill poultry, it's dead long before anybody starts pulling the feathers out.


How do you do this? :confused:

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